Technical Committee Highlights November 27, 2015

The content below is taken from the original (Technical Committee Highlights November 27, 2015), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Welcome back from Tokyo. While there, I did not realize a three-dimensional subway map exists for Tokyo, but I sure loved traveling on the subway.

Welcoming the latest projects to OpenStack

Speaking of amazing cities and their subway maps, we should mention the growing list of OpenStack projects. We welcome these projects to OpenStack governance since the OpenStack Summit.

    • Monitoring – both OpenStack and its resources: monasca
    • Backups for file systems using OpenStack: freezer
    • Deployment for OpenStack: fuel
    • Cluster management service for Compute and Orchestration: senlin
    • Integrate Hyper-V, Windows and related components into OpenStack: winstackers

During these last weeks, the TC also had other project reviews requests that were put on hold for later once those projects and/or teams are more mature and ready to join the Big Tent.

Reports from TC Working Groups

Project Team Guide

The Project Team Guide team held a session back in Tokyo to discuss the next steps for this project. As a result of that session, more content will be created (or moved from the wiki): add community best practices, detail the benefits and trade-offs of the various release models, introduce deliverables and tags (as maintained in the governance repo’s projects.yaml), detail what common infrastructure projects can build on, and so on.

Communications Group

The communications working group (the one that brings these blog posts to you) will continue to operate under the same model. Announcements, summaries and communications will be sent out as they have been during the last cycle. Remember that feedback is always welcome and the group is looking for ways to improve. Talk back to us, we’re listening!

Project Tags

These are the latest new project tags created by the Technical Committee.

    • team:single-vendor: A new tag was added to communicate when a project team is currently driven by a single organization. We had some discussion about using the term “vendor” or “organization” but this intent is to show the opposite of a diversity in the team’s makeup.
    • assert:supports-upgrade: A new tag has been added to communicate when a project supports upgrades. Teams should apply this tag to their project if they assert they intend to support ongoing upgrades.
    • assert:supports-rolling-upgrade: A new tag has been added to communicate when a project supports rolling upgrades. Team should apply this tag to their project if they assert that operators can expect to perform rolling upgrades of their project, where the service can remain running while the upgrade is performed.