Jaguar returns to racing with its first all-electric car

The content below is taken from the original (Jaguar returns to racing with its first all-electric car), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Jaguar hasn’t been involved with motorsports since it offloaded its Formula 1 team to Red Bull, but it’s about to come back in a big, big way. The automaker has announced that it’s working on an all-electric car (its first) that will compete in Formula E’s third season, which kicks off in fall 2016. Jaguar is saying precious little about what that racer will be capable of, but the entry is possible because the beleaguered Trulli team is backing out of the league, leaving room for a new entrant.

This isn’t the sum total of the company’s EV efforts, either. Although it’s not mentioning any plans, Jaguar is swearing that electric cars will "absolutely play a role" in its lineup. The Formula E racer is really a precursor that will help Jag refine its technology under "extreme conditions" before it hits regular roads. If you end up driving an F-Type EV a few years from now, you’ll know something about its roots.

Via: The Verge

Source: Jaguar, FIA Formula E

Red Hat launches dedicated enterprise cloud platform

The content below is taken from the original (Red Hat launches dedicated enterprise cloud platform), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Leave your coders to coding for $50k a year

Red Hat has launched a dedicated cloud platform for companies that want their developers to focus on coding.…

Bitcoin tech approved as a way to issue shares

The content below is taken from the original (Bitcoin tech approved as a way to issue shares), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

For the first time, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is allowing a company to issue public shares using the technology behind Bitcoin. The honor went to Overstock, which was also the first retailer to accept Bitcoins from the public for purchases. It built its own crypto-currency tech via a subsidiary called T0 (T-Zero), and uses open-source Colored Coins to issue stock in the form of "blockchains," a type of electronic ledger. Overstock plans to license the tech to other public companies, and company CEO Patrick Byrne told Wired that it "can do for the capital market what the internet has done for consumers."

The system allows shares to be traded instantly, rather than in up to three days in regular exchanges. It could also eliminate a lot illegal short-selling and other cheating that goes on now, since there are no middlemen, and share owners can be reliably tracked. During an interview earlier this week with Tabb Forum, Byrne said that current markets "are extremely opaque. There are huge [price] spreads in it. It’s kind of a dirty little secret how much money is made there."

The stock market extremely opaque. There are huge [price] spreads in it. It’s kind of a dirty little secret how much money is made there.

Overstock was the first major retailer to accept Bitcoins, and the first to issue private bonds using blockchain technology. Byrne’s company won’t issue Bitcoin-style shares through a major exchange like NASDAQ, but will rather do it through an alternative trading system (ATS) via its T0 subsidiary. (Since it’s selling stocks to the public the exchange is still regulated by the SEC.) However, Byrne also recently acquired a company called SpeedRoute, which handles around 2.5 percent of US equity orders on all 11 major US exchnges. His plan is to eventually use the company to offer blockchain trading to companies listed on those exchanges.

The technology is also being considered by major banks like Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Barclays. However, now that it’s been given regulatory approval by the normally cautious SEC, blockchain trading adoption may snowball. For now, Overstock plans to issue up to $500 million worth of public shares on its private exchange as soon as possible.

Source: Wired

Citrix reveals containerised version of NetScaler ADCs

The content below is taken from the original (Citrix reveals containerised version of NetScaler ADCs), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Struggling to do containers at scale? Struggling company thinks it has the answer

Citrix has decided the time is right to containerise its NetScaler application delivery controllers.…

Google Play Books new blue light filter reduces eye strain

The content below is taken from the original (Google Play Books new blue light filter reduces eye strain), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Google’s usage research indicates that most of us do a majority of our reading between 8 and 10 pm — you know right before bed. But doing so in a dimly-lit bedroom can wreak havoc on your eyes, not to mention your circadian rhythm. That’s why Google’s newest update to its Play Books app includes a new feature called Night Light.

It gradually replaces the amount of bright blue light emanating from your screen with warmer, yellow tones that don’t reset your internal clock. What’s more, the app matches the screen’s color and brightness to the time of day to further reduce visual strain. The feature is available on Play Books’ most recent versions for both iOS and Android. To activate it, simply tap the Night Light option and the app will take care of the rest.

Source: Android Blog

OpenStack Weekly Community Newsletter (Dec. 5-11)

The content below is taken from the original (OpenStack Weekly Community Newsletter (Dec. 5-11)), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Travel grants bring global community members to OpenStack Summit

Key contributors from 15 countries attended the recent OpenStack Summit in Tokyo. The program for Austin is growing – find out more about the Travel Support Program.

OpenStack Mitaka release: what’s next for Neutron, Cinder and Ceilometer

Meet the project team leads (PTLs) and find out how to get involved.

Check out this tool library for OpenStack operators

These tools – contributed by and for operators – offer quick solutions to streamline your work

OpenStack design contest T-shirts are now available!

Joline Buscemi won the third edition of the community T-shirt design contest, held annually by the OpenStack Foundation.

Community feedback

OpenStack is always interested in feedback and community contributions, if you would like to see a new section in the OpenStack Weekly Community Newsletter or have ideas on how to present content please get in touch: [email protected].

CFP Deadlines

OpenStack Developer Mailing List Digest December 5-11

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Other News

OpenStack Developer Mailing List Digest December 5-11

The content below is taken from the original (OpenStack Developer Mailing List Digest December 5-11), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Success Bot Says

  • AJaeger: With Juno End-of-Life, Python 2.6 testing has been removed from OpenStack CI.
  • Tell us yours via IRC with a message “#success [insert success]”.

Gerrit Update 12/16

  • Gerrit will be offline December 16th 17:00-21:00 UTC
  • Gerrit will be upgraded to 2.11
  • IP address will stay the same.
  • For questions, reply to the thread or on IRC #openstack-infra.

Release Countdown For Week R-17, Dec 7-11

  • Focus should be on cross-project themes identified a the summit [1], and whether any work needs to be done to address them in your project.
  • Doug Hellmann will be offline until December 21st. The rest of the release management team will able to assist via:
    • IRC #openstack-release
    • Mailing list with “[release]” in the subject.
  • Release actions:
    • If the Liberty release notes page [2] doesn’t have a link to your project’s release notes, submit a patch to your deliverable file in openstack/releases.

Bugs Will Now Close Automatically When Patches Merge

  • Part of deprecating our use of Launchpad for tracking completed work, when a patch with “Fixes-Bug” in the commit message merges, the bug will move to ‘Fixed Released” instead of “Fix Committed”.

Cleaning Up Deprecation Warnings in the Gate

  • We have a lot of logs to process in our elastic search cluster, which results in frequently having issues with the amount of RAM available in the cluster.
  • In general it would be good for projects to look at how verbose their logging is, and if that’s really necessary.
  • Using this query [3] to show deprecation warnings on jobs running on master the past 7 days shows 17576707 hits.
  • We need volunteers to to make changes in things like Devstack to have it avoid using deprecated options.
    • If you would like to help, please use the topic ‘stop-using-deprecated-options’ [4].

Stable Team PTL Elected

  • Close to 200 voters have elected Matt Riedmann as the first stable team PTL [5].
  • Matt will be looking into meeting times next week to begin discussions on transitioning from release team and work items.

Announcing the OpenStack Health Dashboard

  • A dashboard to visualize the state of tests running in gate [6].
  • Started last September, it’s still in early phases.
  • Biggest limitations:
    • The datastore: using subunit2sql as the backend for all data and only collecting results for tempest and grenade runs in the gate and periodic queues.
    • No results for runs that fail before tempest starts running.
  • Code [7]
  • Launchpad [8]
  • Work items that need to be done [9].

Bestselling mobile phones of the last 20 years

The content below is taken from the original (Bestselling mobile phones of the last 20 years), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

It might have taken up residency in a drawer or storage box in your office, but there is a fair chance that you were once the proud owner of a Nokia 1100 or perhaps a Nokia 3210.

When most people are asked to name the best-selling phone mobile phone for the last twenty years, there will be plenty of immediately assume that Apple would be top of the pile, but it is Nokia that wins the prize, by some margin.

read more

Windows 10 Tip: Manage Telemetry Settings

The content below is taken from the original (Windows 10 Tip: Manage Telemetry Settings), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Windows 10 Hero

Here’s a quick tip on how to set the telemetry level in Windows 10 using Group Policy.

The post Windows 10 Tip: Manage Telemetry Settings appeared first on Petri.

Nokia, ARM, Enea craft new TCP/IP stack for the cloud

The content below is taken from the original (Nokia, ARM, Enea craft new TCP/IP stack for the cloud), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Open source ‘OpenFastPath’ unloads comms from the kernel

A group of major vendors has put forward an open source TCP/IP stack they say is designed to reinvigorate the ancient and rather crusty protocol.…

Battery-free IoT sensor feeds off radio waves

The content below is taken from the original (Battery-free IoT sensor feeds off radio waves), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Stay close to that router

Dutch researchers have invented an internet-of-things sensor that powers itself from router radio waves.…

Installing Remote Server Administration Tools on Windows 10

The content below is taken from the original (Installing Remote Server Administration Tools on Windows 10), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Windows 10

Learn how to install Microsoft’s Remote Server Administration Tools on Windows 10 for better server management and administration.

The post Installing Remote Server Administration Tools on Windows 10 appeared first on Petri.

Microsoft offers new certification for Linux on Azure

The content below is taken from the original (Microsoft offers new certification for Linux on Azure), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Microsoft Corp. announced today the creation of a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) Linux on Azure certification. Created in conjunction Read more at

Arduino Announces New IoT Board, Gives Away 1,000

The content below is taken from the original (Arduino Announces New IoT Board, Gives Away 1,000), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

MKR1000Arduino just released a new board and partnered with Microsoft to ask you for your best project.

Read more on MAKE

The post Arduino Announces New IoT Board, Gives Away 1,000 appeared first on Make: DIY Projects, How-Tos, Electronics, Crafts and Ideas for Makers.

Google: We have proof that our quantum computer really works

The content below is taken from the original (Google: We have proof that our quantum computer really works), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Google announced a breakthrough in the field of quantum computing Wednesday. The company thinks it’s found a quantum algorithm that solves problems 100 million times faster than conventional processes. If confirmed, this discovery could not only lead to iRobot-style artificial intelligence but also advance the US space program by light years.

Back in 2013, Google and NASA went halvsies on a D-Wave X2 computing system. The D-Wave is supposedly the world’s first functional quantum computer, though experts both within and without the company have never been able to conclusively prove that the machine actually taps into the quantum realm to produce its calculations. That is, until now.

Google’s announcement Wednesday centers on "quantum annealing", a technique that determines the global minimum for a given function when presented with a set of potential solutions. In English, it figures out the best (ie most efficient) overall course of action to complete a task when given a set number of options. Scientists have been working on quantum annealers for a while now, though the two primary techniques, "simulated annealing" and "quantum monte carlo" are both just simulated systems running on conventional hardware. The D-Wave system, on the other hand, is hard-coded to run the quantum annealing algorithm on its quantum array.

The company recently tested the new QA algorithm in a proof-of-concept trial against conventional systems running the simulated annealing and monte carlo methods. The results are more than impressive. As you can see from the graph above, Google’s method beat out the other two quite handily, solving a function with 1000 binary variables up to 100 million times faster.

Google qualified these results as "intriguing and very encouraging" in its announcement, though the company has a long way to go before this research is ready for the consumer market. But once it is, hoo boy, get ready for a technological revolution. With it, AI researchers may be able to develop smarter, more responsive computer learning systems, NASA could use it to simulate rocket launches (or entire space missions) — heck even the mundane material sciences could get a boost from this technology.

Via: MIT Tech Review

Source: Google Research

Switzerland’s 50-year racing ban will change with Formula E

The content below is taken from the original (Switzerland’s 50-year racing ban will change with Formula E), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Switzerland hasn’t allowed motor racing to take place within its borders in over half a century. That looked poised to change when the state relaxed the ban earlier this year, opening the door for the FIA Formula E Championship to hold a race there this season. But the latest word has it that the event is being pushed back.

The ban was imposed in the wake of a catastrophic crash at Le Mans in 1955 that claimed the lives of over 80 spectators and injured another 120. In the aftermath, Mercedes shut down its racing program, and several countries – including Germany, France, and Spain – banned racing within their territories. But long after Mercedes returned to motorsports in the 1980s and most countries lifted their bans, Switzerland kept its strict rules in place.

Authorities began reviewing that policy recently, and consented to permit the electric series to race there. Organizers were targeting an addition to the current season two calendar to hold a race in the southern lakeside city of Lugano near the Italian border. But after finding that the preparations – particularly in preparing the roadways – would take more time than expected, they’re reportedly adjusting expectations to seek a race in next season’s 2016-17 calendar instead, as was originally expected.

Even without a race, Switzerland has been well represented in the series. The Trulli GP team is registered there, and four Swiss drivers have competed – more than any other country save for France. Those have included Sebastien Buemi, Alex Fontana, Fabio Leimer, and Simona de Silvestro, who drove a demonstration event last year in Geneva.

Related Video:

Formula E Championship Miami | On Location

Source: Autosport

$15 Pine A64 is trying to be a faster, 64-bit Raspberry Pi

The content below is taken from the original ($15 Pine A64 is trying to be a faster, 64-bit Raspberry Pi), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Today, amazingly, you can buy a computer for $8 or less. You actually have a choice of two: the Chip or the Raspberry Pi Zero. They’re great 32-bit boards, but what if you […]

Facebook makes the hardware it uses for AI open-source

The content below is taken from the original (Facebook makes the hardware it uses for AI open-source), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

You might not think of it often, but behind the scenes Facebook uses a lot of artificial intelligence. The company leans heavy on AI, using machine learning to curate a better news feed, sort through photo and video content and even read stories or play games. Now, the company is making Big Sur, the hardware it runs its AI experiments on, open-source.

Facebook says it will release its AI hardware design to the Open Compute Project soon, promising to give the community a system designed specifically for AI tasks built from off-the-shelf components. This design features eight NVIDIA Tesla M40 GPUs seated into an easily serviceable motherboard. "The CPU heat sinks are the only things you need a screwdriver for," the company says.

"We want to make it a lot easier for AI researchers to share techniques and technologies," the company said in a statement today. "We believe that this open collaboration helps foster innovation for future designs, putting us all one step closer to building complex AI systems." Sounds pretty good. Check out the source link below for Facebook’s official announcement.

Source: Facebook

Dell creates new Extreme team for all data centre kit, at any scale

The content below is taken from the original (Dell creates new Extreme team for all data centre kit, at any scale), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Meet Dell’s super-duper, learning, loving, sharing, talking hyper-scaling team

Dell’s created a new Extreme Scale Infrastructure (ESI) umbrella unit for all its data centre efforts.…

It Just Got Way Easier to Find the Files You’re Looking For in Google Drive

The content below is taken from the original (It Just Got Way Easier to Find the Files You’re Looking For in Google Drive), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

There’s (un)officially no way you’ll ever lose a file in the deep, dark depths of Google Drive again.

Internet of Things Spending Forecast to Reach Nearly $1.3 Trillion in 2019

The content below is taken from the original (Internet of Things Spending Forecast to Reach Nearly $1.3 Trillion in 2019), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

According to a new International Data Corporation (IDC) Spending Guide, worldwide spending on the Internet of Things (IoT) will grow at a 17.0%… Read more at

2016 OpenStack T-Shirt Design Contest

The content below is taken from the original (2016 OpenStack T-Shirt Design Contest), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

The new year is quickly approaching and we’re looking for a new design to grace OpenStack’s T-Shirts in 2016. Here’s your chance to show us your creative talent and submit an original design for our 2016 OpenStack T-shirt Design Contest!

If you’d like to participate simply send a sketch of your design to [email protected].

Deadline: March 11, 2016

The winning design will be showcased on T-Shirts given out at an upcoming OpenStack event as well as on the new OpenStack online store!


(Click image to view deadline restrictions)


For some inspiration, check out last year’s winning design by Joline Buscemi. Get your pencils sharpened or fire up your design software of choice and send us your sketches! We’re excited to see what you’ll come up with!


2015 Winning T-Shirt Design

2015 contest-shirt



  • The design must be your own original, unpublished work and must not include any third-party logos or copyrighted material; by entering the competition, you agree that your submission is your own work
  • Design should be one that appeals to the majority of the OpenStack developer community
  • Design may include line art, text, and photographs
  • Your design is for the front of the shirt and may encompass an area up to 10″ x 10″ (inches)
  • Design may use a maximum of three colors

The Fine Print:

  • One entry per person, please. And it must be original art. Content found on the internet rarely has the resolution needed for print, and it’s considered unlawful to use without permission.
  • Submissions will be screened for merit and feasibility, and we reserve the right to make changes such is image size, ink or t-shirt color before printing.
  • By submitting your design, you grant permission for your design to be used by the OpenStack Foundation including, but not limited to, the OpenStack website, the OpenStack online store, and future marketing materials.
  • The OpenStack Foundation reserves the right to final decision.
  • The creator of the winning design will receive attribution on the T-shirt and public recognition on the OpenStack website!






Disney creates single camera real-time performance capture system

The content below is taken from the original (Disney creates single camera real-time performance capture system), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Disney has even managed to teach its facial recognition software to pick up on wrinkles and how they change the shape of skin.

Intel Open Sources Cloud Performance Monitoring Tool

The content below is taken from the original (Intel Open Sources Cloud Performance Monitoring Tool), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

OpenStack Weekly Community Newsletter (Nov. 28 – Dec. 4)

The content below is taken from the original (OpenStack Weekly Community Newsletter (Nov. 28 – Dec. 4)), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Individual Member Director nominations are now open

The deadline for Individual Member Director nominations is next Friday, December 11, 2015

How to manage medical and health data with OpenStack, a wearable sensor and smart apps

“Our hope is to inspire you to look into open source, to think of ways to solve the data problems that you might have already,” says Anne Gentle of Rackspace.

Why no data center should be full of islands

OpenStack connects developers with new tools while leveraging a common foundation, says Foundation COO Mark Collier.

Powering one billion page views and 170 million unique visitors per month with OpenStack

NTT Resonant operates goo, one of Japan’s leading web portals and Internet search engines

Community feedback

OpenStack is always interested in feedback and community contributions, if you would like to see a new section in the OpenStack Weekly Community Newsletter or have ideas on how to present content please get in touch: [email protected].

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OpenStack Developer Mailing List Digest November 28 to December 4

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