Brad Dickinson

When is a Barracuda not a Barracuda? When it’s really AWS S3

The content below is taken from the original (When is a Barracuda not a Barracuda? When it’s really AWS S3), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Barracuda’s backup appliances can now replicate data to Amazon’s S3 cloud silos.

According to the California-based outfit, its backup appliance is now available in three flavors:

  • On-premises physical server
  • On-premises virtual server
  • In-cloud virtual server

Barracuda backup schematic

Data can be backed up from Office 365, physical machines, and virtual machines running in Hyper-V or VMware systems, to an appliance. This box can then replicate its backups to a second appliance, typically at a remote site, providing a form of disaster recovery, or send the data to S3 buckets in AWS. For small and medium businesses with no second data centre, replicating to Amazon’s silos provides an off-site protection resource.

Barracuda’s customers, resellers and managed services providers can add this replicate-to-Amazon option to their Barracuda product set. Users don’t have to deploy compute processes inside AWS or become AWS infrastructure experts; Barracuda taking care of that side of things, apparently. The biz provides the backend service, which piggybacks on AWS, and your boxes connect to it.

Barracuda Backup replication to AWS is available now in North America, with worldwide deployment expected to be rolled out in the coming months. ®

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