Solving The Persistent Security Threats For The Internet Of Things

The content below is taken from the original (Solving The Persistent Security Threats For The Internet Of Things), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

23390123_b6caaefc16_b The security problem — and, just as important, the security risks that consumers perceive in internet-connected devices — represents a real threat to the hundreds of millions of dollars companies are pouring into connected devices of all stripes. Read More

OpenStack Developer Mailing List Digest November 21-27

The content below is taken from the original (OpenStack Developer Mailing List Digest November 21-27), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Success Bot Says

  • vkmc: We got 7 new interns for the Outreachy program December-March 2015 round.
  • bauzas: Reno in place for Nova release notes.
  • AJaeger: We now have Japanese Install Guides published for Liberty [1].
  • robcresswell: Horizon had a bug day! We made good progress on categorizing new bugs and removing old ones, with many members of the community stepping up to help.
  • AJaeger: The OpenStack Architecture Design Guide has been converted to RST [2].
  • AJaeger: The Virtual Machine Image guide has been converted to RST [3].
  • Ajaeger: Japanese Networking Guide is published as draft [4].
  • Tell us yours via IRC with a message “#success [insert success]”.

Release countdown for week R-18, Nov 30 – Dec 4

  • All projects following the cycle-with-milestones release model should be preparing for the milestone tag.
  • Release Actions:
    • All deliverables must have Reno configured before adding a Mitaka-1 milestone tag.
    • Use openstack/releases repository to manage the Mitaka-1 milestone tags.
    • One time change, we will be simplifying how we specify the versions for projects by moving to only using tags instead of the version entry for setup.cfg.
  • Stable release actions: Review stable/liberty branches for patches that have landed since the last release and determine if your deliverables need new tags.
  • Important dates:
    • Deadline for requesting a Mitaka-1 milestone tag: December 3rd
    • Mitaka-2: Jan 19-21
    • Mitaka release schedule [5]

Common OpenStack ‘Third-Party’ CI Solution – DONE!

  • Ramy Asselin who has been spearheading the work for a common third-party CI solution announces things being done!
    • This solution uses the same tools and scripts as the upstream Jenkins CI solution.
    • The documentation for setting up a 3rd party ci system on 2 VMs (1 private that runs the CI jobs, and 1 public that hosts the log files) is now available here [6] or [7].
    • There a number of companies today using this solution for their third party CI needs.

Process Change For Closing Bugs When Patches Merge

  • Today when a patch merges with ‘Closes-Bug’ in the commit message, that marks the associated bug as ‘Fix Committed’ to indicated fixed, but not in the release yet.
  • The release team uses automated tools to mark bugs from ‘Fix Committed’ to ‘Fix Released’, but they’re not reliable due to Launchpad issues.
  • Proposal for automated tools to improve reliability: Patches with ‘Closes-Bug’ in the commit message to have the bug status mark the associated bug as ‘Fix Released’ instead of ‘Fix Committed’.
  • Doug would like to have this be in effect next week.

Move From Active Distrusting Model to Trusting Model

  • Morgan Fainberg writes most projects have a distrusting policy that prevents the following scenario:
    • Employee from Company A writes code
    • Other Employee from Company A reviews code
    • Third Employee from Company A reviews and approves code.
  • Proposal for a trusting model:
    • Code reviews still need 2x Core Reviewers (no change)
    • Code can be developed by a member of the same company as both core reviewers (and approvers).
    • If the trust that is being given via this new policy is violated, the code can [if needed], be reverted (we are using git here) and the actors in question can lose core status (PTL discretion) and the policy can be changed back to the “distrustful” model described above.
  • Dolph Mathews provides scenarios where the “distrusting” model either did or would have helped:
    • Employee is reprimanded by management for not positively reviewing & approving a coworkers patch.
    • A team of employees is pressured to land a feature with as fast as possible. Minimal community involvement means a faster path to “merged,” right?
    • A large group of reviewers from the author’s organization repeatedly throwing *many* careless +1s at a single patch. (These happened to not be cores, but it’s a related organizational behavior taken to an extreme.)

Stable Team PTL Nominations Are Open

  • As discussed [8][9] of setting up a standalone stable maintenance team, we’ll be organizing PTL elections over the coming weeks.
  • Stable team’s mission:
    • Define and enforce the common stable branch policy
    • Educate and accompany projects as they use stable branches
    • Keep CI working on stable branches
    • Mentoring/growing the stable maintenance team
    • Create and improve stable tooling/automation
  • Anyone who successfully contributed to a stable branch back port over the last year can vote in the stable PTL election.
  • If interested, reply to thread with your self-nomination.
  • Deadline is 23:59 UTC Monday, November 30.
  • Election will be the week after.
  • Current candidates:
    • Matt Riedmann [10]
    • Erno Kuvaja [11]

Using Reno For Libraries

  • Libraries have two audiences for release notes:
    • Developers consuming the library.
    • Deployers pushing out new versions of the libraries.
  • To separate the notes from the two audiences and avoid doing manually something that we have been doing automatically, we can use Reno for just deployer release notes.
  • Library repositories that need Reno should have it configured like service projects, with separate jobs and a publishing location different from their developer documentation [12]

Releases VS Development Cycle

  • Thierry writes that as more projects enter the Big Tent, there have recently been questions about release models and development cycle.
  • Some projects want to be independent of the common release cycle and dates, but still keep some adherence to the development cycle. Examples:
    • Gnocchi wants to be completely independent of the common development cycle, but still maintain stable branches.
    • Fuel traditionally makes their releases a few months behind the OpenStack release to integration all the functionality there.
  • All projects above should current be release:independent, until they are able to (and willing) to coordinate their own releases with the projects following the common release cycle.
  • The release team currently supports 3 models:
    • release:cycle-with-milestones is the traditional Nova model with one release at the end of a 6-month dev cycle and a stable branch derived from that.
    • release:cycle-with-intermediary is the traditional Swift model, with releases as-needed during the 6-month development cycle, and a stable branch created from the last release in the cycle.
    • release:independent, for projects that don’t follow the release cycle at all.
      • Can make a release supporting the Mitaka release (including stable updates).
        • Can call the branch stable/mitaka even after the Mitaka release cycle, as long as the branch is stable and not development.
      • Should clearly document that their release is *compatible with* the OpenStack Mitaka release, rather than *part of* the Mitaka release.

Advances In Facial Animation Will Increase Communication and Creativity

The content below is taken from the original (Advances In Facial Animation Will Increase Communication and Creativity), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

animatedface There’s way more to human communication than just words. Anytime you connect with someone face-to-face, or through a webcam with FaceTime or Skype, you are adding to the conversation layers of additional meaning and context that simply aren’t possible to convey over the phone; things like sarcasm, exaggeration and hand gestures become amplified. Read More

Netflix is rebooting Lost In Space

The content below is taken from the original (Netflix is rebooting Lost In Space), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

lost in space
A whole new generation will come to love the cosmos once again thanks to Netflix! The streaming service is teaming with Legendary TV to produce a brand new take on prolific television producer […]

Amazon now renting physical servers you can cuddle and love

The content below is taken from the original (Amazon now renting physical servers you can cuddle and love), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Long term discount deals coming to make AWS different from hosting how exactly?

This is different from hosting how exactly? Amazon Web Services has flicked the switch on “EC2 Dedicated Hosts” – a new cloud service that offers “physical servers fully dedicated for your use.”…

DIY Computer For Kids Maker Kano Ships Its Build-Your-Own Screen Kit

The content below is taken from the original (DIY Computer For Kids Maker Kano Ships Its Build-Your-Own Screen Kit), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Kano Screen kit Learn-to-code startup Kano is now shipping a 10.1-inch HD display to go with its keyboard plus Raspberry Pi DIY computer kit for kids. Read More

Imagination Technologies Is Crowdfunding A Dev Kit For IoT

The content below is taken from the original (Imagination Technologies Is Crowdfunding A Dev Kit For IoT), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Creator Ci40 Another dev kit targeting developers and startups that want to build devices for the Internet of Things has launched on Kickstarter — although its maker, Imagination Technologies, is no startup, but rather an established company which licenses IP to chipmakers and counts Apple among its investors. Read More Goes Open Source And Gets A Desktop App

The content below is taken from the original ( Goes Open Source And Gets A Desktop App), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Screen Shot 2015-11-23 at 19.20.34, the fully hosted version of WordPress, has a received one of its biggest updates ever today. Codenamed Calypso, Automattic rewrote from scratch — everything is new under the hood. Here are the big changes. Read More

Air Button adds handy shortcuts to NFC-enabled phones

The content below is taken from the original (Air Button adds handy shortcuts to NFC-enabled phones), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

The idea of customizable add-on buttons for smartphones isn’t exactly new. First we had Pressy (which was quickly cloned by Xiaomi and others), then the Dimple NFC button pad came along. So what’s next? Well, a Hong Kong startup thinks Dimple has space for improvement, which leads us to the Air Button. As the name suggests, this is yet another battery-less button that also makes use of — and without interfering with — NFC on the back of many Android devices, except it doesn’t have a memory limitation as the commands are stored in the app, so you can assign literally as many actions and apps as you want. For instance, you can set it to be an emergency button that toggles an audio alert, a flashlight and a phone call at the same time. Or you can have a sports mode button that starts playing music as well as launching your preferred fitness app. Slideshow-342729

Source: Kickstarter

OpenStack Developer Mailing List Digest November 14-20

The content below is taken from the original (OpenStack Developer Mailing List Digest November 14-20), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Time to Make Some Assertions About Your Projects

  • The technical committee defined a number of “assert” tags which allows a project team to to make assertions about their own deliverables:
    • assert:follows-standard-deprecation
    • assert:supports-upgrade
    • assert:supports-rolling-upgrade
  • Read more on their definitions [1]
  • Update the project.yaml [2] of which tags apply to your project already.
  • The OpenStack foundation will use “assert”tags very soon in the project navigator [3].

Making Stable Maintenance Its Own OpenStack Project Team

  • Continuing discussion from last week [4]…
  • Negatives:
    • Not enough work to warrant a designated “team”.
    • The change is unlikely to bring a meaning full improvement to the situation, sudden new resources.
  • Positives:
    • * An empowered team could tackle new coordination tasks, like engaging more directly in converging stable branch rules across teams, or producing tools.
    • Release management doesn’t overlap anymore with stable branch, so having them under that PTL is limiting and inefficient
    • Reinforcing the branding (by giving it its own team) may encourage more organizations to affect new resources to it
  • Matt Riedemann offers to lead the team.

Release Countdown For Week R-19, November 23-27

  • Mitaka-1 milestone scheduled for December 1-3.
  • Teams should be…
    • Wrapping up incomplete work left over from the end of the Liberty cycle .
    • Finalizing and announcing plans from the summit.
    • Completing specs and blueprints.
  • The openstack/release repository will be used to manage Mitaka 1 milestone tags.
  • Reno [5] will be used instead of Launchpad for tracking completed work. Make sure any release notes done for this cycle are committed to your master branchless before proposing the milestone tag.

New API Guidelines Read for Cross Project Review

  • The following will be merged soon:
    • Adding introduction to API micro version guideline [6].
    • Add description of pagination parameters [7].
    • A guideline for errors [8].
  • These will be brought up in the next cross project meeting [9].

OpenStack Weekly Community Newsletter (Nov. 14 – 20)

The content below is taken from the original (OpenStack Weekly Community Newsletter (Nov. 14 – 20)), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

A primer on Magnum, OpenStack containers-as-a-service

Adrian Otto, project team lead, on how Magnum works and what problems it can solve for you.

OpenStack Mitaka release: what’s next for Ansible, Oslo and Designate

Meet the project team leads (PTLs) for these OpenStack projects and find out how to get involved.

Community feedback

OpenStack is always interested in feedback and community contributions, if you would like to see a new section in the OpenStack Weekly Community Newsletter or have ideas on how to present content please get in touch: [email protected].

Reports from Previous Events 

Deadlines and Contributors Notifications

Security Advisories and Notices 

  • None this week

Tips ‘n Tricks 

Upcoming Events 

Microsoft makes Raspberry Pi its preferred IoT dev board

The content below is taken from the original (Microsoft makes Raspberry Pi its preferred IoT dev board), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Intel’s Galileo scratched off Windows 10 ‘thing’ list

A little over a year after Intel’s Galileo development board got its first taste of Microsoft Windows, Redmond has decided to pull the project.…

Bob Ross Ipsum Generates Dummy Text with Happy Little Paragraphs

The content below is taken from the original (Bob Ross Ipsum Generates Dummy Text with Happy Little Paragraphs), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Need to generate some placeholder text? Sure, you could use the standard Latin gibberish, but a more soothing and entertaining alternative is this generator using quotes from painter Bob Ross.

Read more…

How TV ads silently ping commands to phones: Sneaky SilverPush code reverse-engineered

The content below is taken from the original (How TV ads silently ping commands to phones: Sneaky SilverPush code reverse-engineered), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Near-ultrasonic sound system drives pets, and users, crazy

Earlier this week the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) warned that an Indian firm called SilverPush has technology that allows adverts to ping inaudible commands to smartphones and tablets.…

Remember Windows 1.0? It’s been 30 years (and you’re officially old)

The content below is taken from the original (Remember Windows 1.0? It’s been 30 years (and you’re officially old)), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Microsoft’s cash cow celebrates three decades of PC dominance

On November 20, 1985, Microsoft unveiled its graphical operating system.…

Why Microsoft’s .NET Core is the future of its development platform

The content below is taken from the original (Why Microsoft’s .NET Core is the future of its development platform), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Microsoft is betting on open source fork of .NET Framework to draw cloud customers

Analysis It is just over a year since Microsoft announced the open sourcing of .NET Core, a cross-platform fork of the Windows-only .NET Framework.…

The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book is out now!

The content below is taken from the original (The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book is out now!), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Rob from The MagPi here again! Two posts from me in one week? You’re a very lucky bunch. One thing we’re very proud of at The MagPi is the quality of our content: articles, features, tutorials, guides, reviews, inspirational projects and all the other bits and pieces that have made The MagPi great for 39 […]

The post The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book is out now! appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Coinbase Partners With Shift Payments To Issue Bitcoin Debit Card

The content below is taken from the original (Coinbase Partners With Shift Payments To Issue Bitcoin Debit Card), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Credit Card Payment This isn’t the first bitcoin debit card in the world, but this is the first one that works with your Coinbase account. Coinbase has partnered with Shift Payments so that you can get a Visa card for just $10 and pay everywhere with your bitcoins. There are no fees for now. Read More

Microsoft Is Making It Easier To Get Visual Studio

The content below is taken from the original (Microsoft Is Making It Easier To Get Visual Studio), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Microsoft is making it easier to buy Visual Studio with new subscription offerings that can be purchased in monthly or annual buckets.

The post Microsoft Is Making It Easier To Get Visual Studio appeared first on Petri.

AVG is crowdfunding a router, but wait for its privacy policy

The content below is taken from the original (AVG is crowdfunding a router, but wait for its privacy policy), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.


Antivirus company AVG is taking to Indiegogo to crowdfund a router called Chime that it believes will fix your home’s WiFi issues. Solitarily, a Chime is a fairly simple 802.11ac dual-band router. Used together, multiple Chimes can instantly band together and blanket your house in a strong signal by utilizing the same Mesh WiFi systems you’ll find in office buildings, malls and airports. It’s not the first company to offer Mesh WiFi to consumers — San Francisco startup Eero’s boxes ostensibly do exactly the same thing — but AVG believes the additional security features offered by Chime will be enough to persuade users to jump aboard.

Source: Chime WiFi

Mining (And Learning) With The 21 Bitcoin Computer

The content below is taken from the original (Mining (And Learning) With The 21 Bitcoin Computer), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

21inc4b._SR700,525_ A few days ago a $400 charge hit my credit card and Amazon notified me that my bitcoin computer was on its way. Essentially a Raspberry Pi connected with a custom bitcoin-mining ASIC and a heatsink, the computer is one of the most interesting MVPs in modern memory. While you could easily recreate it yourself, the fact that 21 is building and selling these for a few hundred dollars is… Read More

Cray hoists Docker containers into supercomputers

The content below is taken from the original (Cray hoists Docker containers into supercomputers), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Productivity gains without performance hits

SC15 Everyone loves Docker, including Cray, which today announced the addition of container-based virtualization to its official software stack.…

Machine Learning Versus Machine Discovery

The content below is taken from the original (Machine Learning Versus Machine Discovery), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

digital/circuitboard brain Machine learning is hot. Where it applies, it heatedly enables data-rich and knowledge-lean automation of valuable tasks of perception, classification and numeric prediction. Its sibling, machine discovery, deals with uncovering new knowledge that enlightens or guides human beings. Let’s consider where learning or discovery best applies — and why this matters for business. Read More

Brace yourselves. Huawei’s launching an HCIA product

The content below is taken from the original (Brace yourselves. Huawei’s launching an HCIA product), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Can be deployed in 11 mins after unpacking

Comment Huawei has a hyperconverged infrastructure Appliance (HCIA) product; its FusionCube product line. This is comprised of its own server, storage, and networking system components, plus virtualisation and management software.…

Digital, free, forever: the first 30 issues of The MagPi

The content below is taken from the original (Digital, free, forever: the first 30 issues of The MagPi), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

The MagPi issues one to 30 are now free, forever. Hopefully that’s caught your attention. Some of you may now be wondering, “hang on, those issues of The MagPi were always free as PDFs, and so are all the newer ones as well!” And you’d be right: every issue of The MagPi has always been […]

The post Digital, free, forever: the first 30 issues of The MagPi appeared first on Raspberry Pi.