OpenStack Developer Mailing List Digest November 28 to December 4

The content below is taken from the original (OpenStack Developer Mailing List Digest November 28 to December 4), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Success Bot Says

  • dims: cross-project, technical-debt-reduction effort pays dividends, no code left in oslo-incubator repo anymore.
  • dhellmann: horizn, searchlight, python-openstackclient, ironic-introspec, manila, barbican, aodh, and sahara tagged for mitaka-1 milestone!
  • odyssey4me: OpenStack-Ansible for Kilo and Liberty have been released.
  • ttx: Nova mitaka-1 ( published!
  • flaper87: Glance m-1 is out
  • AJaegar: The Networking Guide has been translated into Japanese, read it [1].
  • stevemar: Got reno in all keystone projects.
  • Tell us yours via IRC with a message “#success [insert success]”.

Cross-Project Specs Close to Merging

  • Backwards compatibility for clients and libraries [2].
  • Deprecate Individual CLIs in favor of OpenStack Client [3].
  • Chronicles of Distributed Lock Manager [4].

Release Countdown For Week R-17, Dec 7-11

  • A list of all projects with tags [5].
  • There’s a known bug in Reno for release notes not appearing after merge [6].
  • Teams should have retrospectives to consider how the cycle is going so far.
  • Each project has a patch that removes the version field from setup.cfg file. Please review that as quickly as possible.
  • Mitaka 2 Release: Jan 19-21
  • Mitaka release schedule [7].

The Lock Files Saga (and Where We Can Go From Here)

  • Josh Harlow writes, different projects use file locks to ensure that no application on the same machine can manipulate a given resource.
  • Stale lock file bug happens [8] and there is no easy way to determine when a lock file can be deleted manually.
  • Proposed creative solutions [9][10].
  • Josh proposes having offset locks. Create a single file X size to store locks, instead of having a bunch of files representing locks.
    • Clint says this just makes the directory of lock files look clean, but still leaves each offset stale and has to cleaned anyway.
      • Idea: having a cron job which deletes lock files within a set reasonable time.
  • Ben Nemec feels this is largely cosmetic complaints about not cleaning up old files. The amount of trouble we’ve had with interprocess locking in the past, he has never felt that a cosmetic issue was sufficient reason to relook at the issue.
  • Clint feels what’s missing is metadata for cleaning up stale locks. That can be done with:
    • fcntl locks – You have the kernel telling you for sure if the locking process is still alive when you want to clean up and take the lock.
    • Creation locks – You need to write that information into the locks, and remove it, and then have a way to make sure the process is alive and know it has the lock, which isn’t simple.

Recording Milestones For Unmanaged Projects

  • Projects with non-release:managed tag should:
    • Prepare a patch to the deliverable file in openstack/releases repository recording the existing beta tag for your release. Include in the commit message that you are recording an existing milestone tag.
    • Prepare a patch to the project repository removing the version line from setup.cfg. This patch should depend on the release patch with the topic “remove-version-from-setup”.
    • Add a comment to the milestone tag request linking to the review from step 2.

Cross-Project Spec Liaisons

  • Mike Perez writes about problems we have with cross-project specs today:
    • Authors of specs can’t progress forward with specs because of lack of attention. Eventually getting frustrated and giving up.
    • Some projects could miss a cross-project spec being approved by the TC.
  • A proposal was given on the list and discussed at the cross-project meeting [11] to have cross-project spec liaisons from each project with the following responsibilities:
    • Watching the cross-project spec repo [12].
      • Comment on specs that involve your project. +1 to carry forward for TC approval.
        • If you’re not able to provide technical guidance on certain specs for your project, it’s up to you to get the right people involved.
        • Assuming you get someone else involved, it’s up to you to make sure they keep up with communication.
  • Communicate back to your project’s meeting on certain cross-project specs when necessary. This is also good for the previous bullet point of sourcing who would have technical knowledge for certain specs.
  • Attend the cross-project meeting when it’s called for [13].

The Problem of Inefficient Cooling in Smaller Data Centers

The content below is taken from the original (The Problem of Inefficient Cooling in Smaller Data Centers), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

The Best Free Add-ins for Microsoft Office

The content below is taken from the original (The Best Free Add-ins for Microsoft Office), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Ever wish Word had an encyclopedia you could tap, or Excel could generate some dummy numbers? Office add-ins provide this kind of added functionality to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other Microsoft Office apps. Here are some of the handiest add-ins you can install for Office 2013 and above to get more out of your office suite.

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Epson creates an office machine that recycles paper onsite

The content below is taken from the original (Epson creates an office machine that recycles paper onsite), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Office machines tend to do one of three things with paper: print on it, scan it, or shred it. Epson’s newest creation, however, is like an onsite recycling center. They call it PaperLab, […]

Announcing a new cloud provider for OpenStack’s CI system: OVH

The content below is taken from the original (Announcing a new cloud provider for OpenStack’s CI system: OVH), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

The OpenStack Project Infrastructure Team has added OpenStack Compute instances from OVH to the project’s continuous integration system.

There are a lot of ways to participate in an Open Source community like the OpenStack project and OVH is doing so in a way that best matches their strengths: contributing cloud resources to the project to drive our test and automation systems — resources which are critical to ongoing development.

OpenStack runs up to 30,000 automated jobs each day to test proposed changes and build documentation and software artifacts. The system responsible for this is itself a large multi-cloud application. It utilizes OpenStack Compute instances from Rackspace, HP Cloud, and now OVH to provide this service to developers. Each of those instances runs a single job and is then deleted in order to ensure the next job starts with a clean slate. This puts an extraordinarily high demand on our providers.

We are very excited by the addition of OVH, not only because it will help us scale to meet the needs of a growing project, but also because it demonstrates one of OpenStack’s key features: cross-cloud compatibility. When a developer uploads a proposed change to an OpenStack project, available instances from any of our contributing cloud providers will be used interchangeably to test it.

We are able to do this with the help of a number of OpenStack projects. First, we create a base image to use on all of our providers using Diskimage-builder. This ensures that all of our tests operate in an identical environment. Our test resource manager, Nodepool, uses the shade library to upload each of these images to our providers using the OpenStack Image service. Each of our providers is configured slightly differently, but shade handles the details so that Nodepool can focus on the business logic. Nodepool then identifies demand from our automation system, Zuul, to create OpenStack Compute instances as needed.

The Infrastructure Team thanks OVH for their contribution as well as our existing cloud providers, and we are excited about sharing our experience using this very demanding OpenStack application with all of them.

How to Troubleshoot Windows 10 with Reliability Monitor

The content below is taken from the original (How to Troubleshoot Windows 10 with Reliability Monitor), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Troubleshooting problems in Windows can be kind of a pain, but the built-in Reliability Monitor gives you a leg up by presenting your computer’s reliability and problem history in one easy view.

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Wayfindr Is Building An Open Standard For Indoor Navigation By Beacon

The content below is taken from the original (Wayfindr Is Building An Open Standard For Indoor Navigation By Beacon), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Wayfindr A project to probe the viability of using low power Bluetooth Beacon technology as an aid for indoor navigation — with a special focus on helping blind and visually impaired people get around independently — has been awarded a $1 million grant from to broaden and accelerate its development. Read More

A geek tests 12 micro SD cards with a Raspberry Pi to find the fastest

The content below is taken from the original (A geek tests 12 micro SD cards with a Raspberry Pi to find the fastest), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

The humble micro SD card has been growing in importance in recent years. Mostly that’s been down to the popularity of the Raspberry Pi, which relies on SD cards for both booting an […]

This tool tells you the install size of every Xbox One and PS4 game

The content below is taken from the original (This tool tells you the install size of every Xbox One and PS4 game), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

The holiday season is here and hard drives are filling up with games. Nothing kills the mood more than nearing the end of a game install only to find there’s insufficient space on […]

Android on Windows is disruptive because neither Microsoft nor Google can stop it

The content below is taken from the original (Android on Windows is disruptive because neither Microsoft nor Google can stop it), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

A blast from the past: Meet AMIDuOS

Welcome to the DMZ where the world’s two most ubiquitous operating systems meet and eye each other warily. It’s a place where the future platform battles are being shaped.…

Pi-TopCEED Is A $99 Desktop Computer For Makers

The content below is taken from the original (Pi-TopCEED Is A $99 Desktop Computer For Makers), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Pi-TopCEED Meet the $99 Pi-TopCEED: a desktop computer powered by the Raspberry Pi — just add your own keyboard and mouse… Read More

From Zero to hero: Why mini ‘puter Oberon should grab Pi’s crown

The content below is taken from the original (From Zero to hero: Why mini ‘puter Oberon should grab Pi’s crown), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

It’s more kid-friendly… No really

Two tiny, inexpensive, single-board educational computers just shipped. One has had lots of coverage already, but the odds are you’ve never heard of the other machine. However, the idea behind the obscure one is more important.…

Rooting and modding a Windows Phone is now child’s play

The content below is taken from the original (Rooting and modding a Windows Phone is now child’s play), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

What could possibly go wrong?

Making DIY custom ROMs for your Windows Phone has just become ridiculously easy.…

OLPC’s modular heir hits the crowdfunding trail

The content below is taken from the original (OLPC’s modular heir hits the crowdfunding trail), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

The only thing slower than the original XO is the timeline for delivery of new kiddie-tab

One Education, the Australian offshoot of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project, has hit the crowdfunding trail to find the resources needed to build its heir to the project’s XO computer.…

Microsoft Extends Office 365 with PBX/PSTN Capabilities

The content below is taken from the original (Microsoft Extends Office 365 with PBX/PSTN Capabilities), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Microsoft Extends Office 365 with PBX/PSTN Capabilities

Microsoft on Monday announced a major update to the commercial versions of Office 365 that will enable Skype for Business to replace traditional business phone systems.

The post Microsoft Extends Office 365 with PBX/PSTN Capabilities appeared first on Petri.

Microsoft whips out PowerApps – now your Pointy Haired Boss can write software, too!

The content below is taken from the original (Microsoft whips out PowerApps – now your Pointy Haired Boss can write software, too!), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.


Microsoft has announced PowerApps, a new way to create and host applications for its Azure cloud service.…

Top 10 Data Center Stories of November 2015

The content below is taken from the original (Top 10 Data Center Stories of November 2015), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Get the Classic, Ad-Free Windows 7 Games Back on Windows 10

The content below is taken from the original (Get the Classic, Ad-Free Windows 7 Games Back on Windows 10), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Do you miss the classic games that came with Windows 7? The ones that didn’t require paying $10 a year to remove ads (unlike the Windows 10 modern versions)? Good news: You can install ad-free Windows 7 games like Solitaire and Minesweeper on Windows 8 and Windows 10.

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Latest Raspbian update

The content below is taken from the original (Latest Raspbian update), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Amid all the excitement last week, some people have noticed that we also released an updated Raspbian image, and have been asking what is in it. Obviously, one of the most important features of this image is support for Pi Zero (which is also the main reason we didn’t make any fuss about it in […]

The post Latest Raspbian update appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Meet ARM1, grandfather of today’s mobe, tablet CPUs – watch it crunch code live in a browser

The content below is taken from the original (Meet ARM1, grandfather of today’s mobe, tablet CPUs – watch it crunch code live in a browser), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Gate-level blueprints restored for anniversary

Pics Chip geeks have produced an interactive blueprint of the ARM1 – the granddaddy of the processor cores powering billions of gadgets today, from Apple iPhones to Raspberry Pis, cameras, routers and Android tablets.…

Formula E is planning the first racing series for driverless cars

The content below is taken from the original (Formula E is planning the first racing series for driverless cars), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

It was only last year that Formula E made its debut as the first racing series exclusively for electric cars. Now, after just two seasons of championships, its organizers are already preparing for another first: a driverless racing series. The series, dubbed Roborace, will begin with the 2016-2017 season, with each one-hour event taking place directly before all the "regular" Formula E races, and on the same circuits, to boot.

Via: The Verge

Source: Formula E

See the radio waves constantly bathing you with this app

The content below is taken from the original (See the radio waves constantly bathing you with this app), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Whether or not you realize it, there are radio waves constantly washing over you. Thanks to the countless WiFi routers, cellular towers, and GPS satellites (not to mention all the Bluetooth and other smaller wireless devices) the air is literally just a sea of energy. Architecture of Radio is an app that aims to visualize those ebbs and flows of data. Creator Richard Vijgen taps into a public database of 7 million cell towers, 19 million Wi-Fi routers and hundreds of satellites to create an augmented reality experience where you can point your iPad or iPhone in any direction and a representation of the radio signals in your area.

Via: TechRadar

Source: Architecture of Radio

C.H.I.P. vs Pi Zero: Which Sub-$10 Computer is Better?

The content below is taken from the original (C.H.I.P. vs Pi Zero: Which Sub-$10 Computer is Better?), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Kiwi for scale, with Pi Zero and C.H.I.P. Photography by Hep SvadjaNow there are two capable, sub-$10 computers for Makers — the $5 Pi Zero and the $9 C.H.I.P. — we compare the specs of each.

Read more on MAKE

The post C.H.I.P. vs Pi Zero: Which Sub-$10 Computer is Better? appeared first on Make: DIY Projects, How-Tos, Electronics, Crafts and Ideas for Makers.

E-paper sneakers change your style on the fly

The content below is taken from the original (E-paper sneakers change your style on the fly), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

If you’re the sort to buy multiple pairs of sneakers just to make sure your footwear is always fashionable, you might soon have a way to save a lot of money. David Coelho is crowdfunding ShiftWear, or sneakers that have color e-paper displays in their sides. You only need a mobile app to change your look at a moment’s notice (there are promises of a shoe design store), and you can even use animations if you’re feeling ostentatious. The shoes are machine-washable, and the e-paper consumes virtually no power if you’re using static imagery — there’s even talk of walk-to-charge tech that would save you from ever having to plug in or swap batteries.

Source: Indiegogo

Technical Committee Highlights November 27, 2015

The content below is taken from the original (Technical Committee Highlights November 27, 2015), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Welcome back from Tokyo. While there, I did not realize a three-dimensional subway map exists for Tokyo, but I sure loved traveling on the subway.

Welcoming the latest projects to OpenStack

Speaking of amazing cities and their subway maps, we should mention the growing list of OpenStack projects. We welcome these projects to OpenStack governance since the OpenStack Summit.

    • Monitoring – both OpenStack and its resources: monasca
    • Backups for file systems using OpenStack: freezer
    • Deployment for OpenStack: fuel
    • Cluster management service for Compute and Orchestration: senlin
    • Integrate Hyper-V, Windows and related components into OpenStack: winstackers

During these last weeks, the TC also had other project reviews requests that were put on hold for later once those projects and/or teams are more mature and ready to join the Big Tent.

Reports from TC Working Groups

Project Team Guide

The Project Team Guide team held a session back in Tokyo to discuss the next steps for this project. As a result of that session, more content will be created (or moved from the wiki): add community best practices, detail the benefits and trade-offs of the various release models, introduce deliverables and tags (as maintained in the governance repo’s projects.yaml), detail what common infrastructure projects can build on, and so on.

Communications Group

The communications working group (the one that brings these blog posts to you) will continue to operate under the same model. Announcements, summaries and communications will be sent out as they have been during the last cycle. Remember that feedback is always welcome and the group is looking for ways to improve. Talk back to us, we’re listening!

Project Tags

These are the latest new project tags created by the Technical Committee.

    • team:single-vendor: A new tag was added to communicate when a project team is currently driven by a single organization. We had some discussion about using the term “vendor” or “organization” but this intent is to show the opposite of a diversity in the team’s makeup.
    • assert:supports-upgrade: A new tag has been added to communicate when a project supports upgrades. Teams should apply this tag to their project if they assert they intend to support ongoing upgrades.
    • assert:supports-rolling-upgrade: A new tag has been added to communicate when a project supports rolling upgrades. Team should apply this tag to their project if they assert that operators can expect to perform rolling upgrades of their project, where the service can remain running while the upgrade is performed.