This Infographic Crams In Over 30 Essential Google Search Tips

The content below is taken from the original (This Infographic Crams In Over 30 Essential Google Search Tips), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Google’s search engine is an always-expanding, extremely useful tool that’s packed with tons of different tools. Over on Zapier, they outline tons of different advanced tricks for searching Google as quickly as possible.

Lifehacker alum Melanie Pinola digs into tons of Google search tips here, including some that are easy to forget, like the mortgage calculator, instant customer service phone numbers (search for the company named followed by “customer service”), and time zone conversions. Head over to the full post on Zapier for tons of detailed info, or check out the infographic below.

Search Smarter: 30+ Google Search Tricks You Might Not Already Know | Zapier

Thanks Melanie for sending this in!

Get a high COA score. Win a Chromebook.

The content below is taken from the original (Get a high COA score. Win a Chromebook.), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Are you ready to show off your OpenStack skills? The COA high score contest has begun! July 18th through September 11th, COA exam takers with the highest score each week will win a Chromebook from the OpenStack Foundation.


Entry is easy:

  1. Go to and read the exam materials
  2. Register and schedule your exam!


That’s it!
Winners will be notified via email. See the full contest rules below. Good luck!


Certified OpenStack Administrator Exam Contest

The Certified OpenStack Administrator Exam Contest (the “Contest”) is designed to encourage eligible individuals (“Entrant(s)” or “You”) to take the Certified OpenStack Administrator Exam (the “Exam”). OpenStack will choose the winner, and the prize will be awarded in accordance with these Official Rules (these “Rules”).

  1. BINDING AGREEMENT: In order to enter the Contest, you must agree to the Rules. Therefore, please read these Rules prior to entry to ensure you understand and agree. You agree that submission of an entry in the Contest constitutes agreement to these Rules. You may not submit an entry to the Contest and are not eligible to receive the prize described in these Rules unless you agree to these Rules. These Rules form a binding legal agreement between you and OpenStack with respect to the Contest.
  2. ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible to enter the Contest, an Entrant must be 18 years of age or older and eligible to take the Exam as set forth in the Exam Handbook (available for download on the Exam Website.  Contest is void where prohibited by law. Employees, directors, and officers of OpenStack and their immediate families (parents, siblings, children, spouses, and life partners of each, regardless of where they live) and members of the households (whether related or not) of such individuals are ineligible to participate in this Contest.
  3. SPONSOR: The Contest is sponsored by OpenStack Foundation (“OpenStack” or “Sponsor”), a Delaware non-stock, non-profit corporation with principal place of business at 1214 West 6th Street, Suite 205 Texas, Austin, TX 78703, USA.
  4. CONTEST PERIOD: The Contest begins on July 18, 2016 when posted to The OpenStack Blog ( and ends on September 11, 2016 11:59 Central Time (CT) Zone (“Contest Period”). All dates are subject to change.
  5. HOW TO ENTER: To enter the Contest, visit the Exam website located at (“Exam Website”) during the Contest Period, click “Get Started,” and follow the prompts to purchase and take the Exam.  You will be automatically entered into the Contest by completing the Exam during the Contest Period.  If you start but do not complete the Exam during the Contest Period, you will not be entered into the Contest.  Additional entry information is available on The OpenStack Blog.  If you wish to opt out of the Contest, please email us at [email protected]. LIMIT ONE (1) ENTRY PER ENTRANT. Subsequent entries will be disqualified.
  6. TAKING THE EXAM: To enter the Contest, you must complete the Exam.  You understand that in addition to these Rules, you must comply with all terms, conditions, rules, and requirements set by OpenStack and the Exam administrators for the Exam.  Information regarding the Exam is available on the Exam Website and in the Exam Handbook.
  7. SCORING: Exams will be scored in accordance with the Exam Handbook, available for download on the Exam Website.  The winner will be the individual that achieves the highest score on the Exam. In the event of a tie, the individual who completed the Exam in the shortest amount of time will be the winner.  For the purposes of the tie-breaker, Exam time will be measured from initial commencement of the Exam to final submission.  Time from purchase of Exam to commencement of Exam will not be considered.
  8. PRIZE: One winner will be selected.  The winner will receive a Toshiba Chromebook 2 – 2015 Edition (CB35-C3350) with an approximate retail value of $350 US Dollars.
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  10. GENERAL CONDITIONS: All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. OpenStack reserves the right to disqualify any Entrant from the Contest if, in OpenStack’s sole discretion, it reasonably believes that the Entrant has attempted to undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest or Exam by cheating, deception, or other unfair playing practices or annoys, abuses, threatens or harasses any other entrants, or OpenStack. OpenStack retains all rights in the OpenStack products and services and entry into this Contest will in no case serve to transfer any OpenStack intellectual property rights to the Entrant.
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  16. RIGHT TO CANCEL, MODIFY OR DISQUALIFY: If for any reason the Contest is not capable of running as planned, OpenStack reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest. OpenStack further reserves the right to disqualify any Entrant who tampers with the Exam process or any other part of the Contest, Exam, The OpenStack Blog, or Exam Website. Any attempt by an Entrant to deliberately damage any web site, including the The OpenStack Blog or Exam Website, or undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest or Exam is a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, OpenStack reserves the right to seek damages from any such Entrant to the fullest extent of the applicable law.
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  18. WINNER’S LIST: The winner will be announced on The OpenStack Blog.  You may also request a list of winners after December 1, 2016 by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

OpenStack Inc.

Attn: Contest Administrator

P.O. Box 1903

Austin, Texas 78767

(Residents of Vermont need not supply postage).


The Raspberry Pi 3 Compute Module Is On Its Way

The content below is taken from the original (The Raspberry Pi 3 Compute Module Is On Its Way), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

The Raspberry Pi Foundation founder Eben Upton has revealed in an interview with PCWorld that there will be a new version of the organisation’s Compute Module featuring the faster processor from the latest Raspberry Pi 3 boards, and it will be available “In a few months”.

The Compute Module was always something of an odd one out among the Raspberry Pi range, being a stripped-out Raspberry Pi chipset on a SODIMM form factor card without peripherals for use as an embedded computer rather than the standalone card with all the interfaces we are used to in the other Pi boards. It has found a home as the unseen brains behind a selection of commercial products, and though there are a few interface boards for developers and experimenters available for it we haven’t seen a lot of it in the world of hackers and makers. Some have questioned its relevance when the outwardly similar Pi Zero can be had for a lower price, but this misses the point that the two boards have been created for completely different markets.

The Pi 3’s 1.2 GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 BCM2837 SoC will certainly up the ante in the Compute module’s market, but it will be interesting to see what changes if any they make to its form factor. The Foundation’s close ties with Broadcom mean that they have done an impressive job in maintaining backward compatibility at a hardware level between the different generations of their product, but it is unclear whether this extends to the possibility of the new module maintaining a pin-for-pin compatibility with the old. We’d expect this to be an unlikely prospect.

It is certain that we will see a new generation of exciting commercial products emerging based around the new module, but will we see it making waves within our domain? This will depend on its marketing, and in particular the price point and quantity purchase they set for it. The previous board when added to a Compute Module Development board was an expensive prospect compared to a Raspberry Pi Model B that became more unattractive still as newer Pi boards gained more capabilities. If they price this one competitively and perhaps if any cheaper open hardware breakout boards emerge for it, we could have a valuable new platform on our hands.

Here’s our coverage of the original Compute Module launch, back in 2014.

[via Liliputing and reddit].

BCM2837 image: By Jose.gil (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Want to learn to code? These 5 apps make it easy

The content below is taken from the original (Want to learn to code? These 5 apps make it easy), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Some say coding is going to become the new literacy, which makes it pretty important for kids to start learning to code young, and for adults to learn the basics of coding if they want to be a part of our increasingly digital world. Luckily, there are plenty of great apps out there to help you and your kids learn how to code, whether it be to build an app or to learn how to command a robot. These apps are designed to make the task of learning to code a lot easier, and there’s something out there for students of all ages and skill levels. Here are some of the best learn-to-code apps around.

Related: What happens when anyone can code? We’re about to find out

SoloLearn Learn series


This one isn’t an app — it’s a series of apps, each one designed for a specific coding language. The apps are highly rated in the Google Play and App Store, namely because they’re dynamic, interactive, and offer a great way to learn the basics of coding. Perhaps the only problem with the apps is that you’ll have to have an objective in mind for what you want to learn. If you want to learn how to build web pages, for example, you’ll probably want to start with HTML and CSS apps. If you want to build an Android app, then you’ll want to learn Java.

The app follows a kind of lesson plan, complete with quizzes and checkpoints. You’ll get a score after completing each section, which is designed to motivate you to redo sections in which you didn’t get a perfect score. There’s even an online leaderboard where users from around the globe post their scores, thus adding a bit of competition to the mix. The best thing about SoloLearn? The apps are all completely free!

Download it now for:

Android iOS Windows Phone Web

Udacity (free, or $200 a month with certification)


If you’re really looking to kick things up a notch, you might want to take a nanodegree from Udacity. Udacity actually offers its nanodegrees in hundreds of different topics, so you won’t have to stick exclusively to coding if you don’t want to. Udacity claims its services are better than the rest because it develops the courses in partnership with corporations like Google. While some of the courses on Udacity are free, you’re really going to have to pay to get the most out of the service. The premium courses offer feedback from professionals and allow you to make connections with your fellow students, creating a sense of community.

Speaking of money, the service certainly isn’t cheap. To take the nanodegree, you’ll be paying $200 per month. However, while the nanodegrees start at a certain time, you can finish them as quickly or as slowly as you want. Devote enough time to it, and you may only have to pay for a few months. The cost could be worth it if you’re using this as a way to find a job in programming, as some of the nanodegrees offer the prospect of jobs at companies like AT&T upon completion.

So, what do you get for free? You can still peruse the content on the service, though you won’t get verified certification, professional feedback, or coaching.

Download it now for:

Android iOS Web



While you need to be pretty serious about learning to use Udacity, the same can’t be said of Tynker. The service does away with the mobile courses in favor of a game, one aimed at helping kids learn how to code. The interface is based on a simple drag-and-drop concept, and if the player doesn’t complete a level, instructions on how they can improve will appear and they’ll be given the chance to replay the round. The interface makes the concept of programming a lot easier to understand, too, and while it won’t allow your kids to build complete apps, it does introduce the basics of coding and give them a foundation to build on.

The app isn’t for the super young, however. Kids need to be able to read, and unless they use a parent’s device, they’ll need to own a smartphone or tablet.

Download it now for:

Android iOS Web



Encode may look basic, but it provides an in-depth look at coding. One of the great things about Encode is that it starts from the beginning and offers different concepts in bite-sized chunks, so even if you only have a few minutes to spare, you can go over a section within the app. Only after going over basic concepts does it introduce more advanced concepts, such as coding using languages like JavaScript. The lessons are also interactive and the app offers feedback after each lesson, ensuring you’ll have a chance to rehash lessons if you don’t initially grasp the concepts. Unfortunately for iOS users, Encode is only available for Android.

Download it now for:


Khan Academy


Ah, the classic Khan Academy. Khan Academy has become an extremely popular way to learn different things on your phone or tablet, however, unlike services like Udacity, Khan Academy is free. It also offers lessons on far more than just coding, so if you’re looking for an app to learn all sorts of interesting things, look no further.

Perhaps the only downside to this is that courses are user-created, so they might not adhere to the same level of quality as other apps. Still, the app has courses for most major coding languages, including an “Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages” course and an “Intro to JS: Drawing and Animation” course. In other words, if you have a specific goal in mind, like learning how to build web pages, Khan Academy could prove incredibly helpful.

Download it now for:

Android iOS Windows Phone Web

Containers rated more secure than conventional apps

The content below is taken from the original (Containers rated more secure than conventional apps), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Containers are more secure than apps running on a bare OS and organisations that like not being hacked therefore need to seriously consider a move, according to analyst firm Gartner.

Analyst Jeorg Fritsch, in a new document titled How to Secure Docker Containers in Operation says “Gartner asserts that applications deployed in containers are more secure than applications deployed on the bare OS” because even if a container is cracked “they greatly limit the damage of a successful compromise because applications and users are isolated on a per-container basis so that they cannot compromise other containers or the host OS”.

Which is not to say that containers are perfect: the paper acknowledges that they possess “… innate security properties that make them vulnerable to kernel privilege escalation attacks” and are therefore “not the right tool for high-risk-assurance isolation.”

The paper nonetheless advocates that organisations “Benefit from the security of Linux containers by using a ‘container €first’ approach” and “Deploy internet-exposed applications in Docker containers with best-practice security whether or not you do CI/CD/DevOps.”

Which is not to say containers are a magic security fix. As the paper’s name implies, Docker needs to be done right in order to deliver its security benefits. Doing it right means hardening the host on which Docker runs in accordance with Docker’s own guidance, then considering third-party Docker security products from the likes of Aqua Security, CloudPassage, Twistlock and Weave. Mastering logical security zoning and network isolation is a must. You’ll also need to wrap your head around microservices routing, so that when you start to build apps comprised of containers chatting to each other they do so securely.

You’ll also need to understand kernel controls to ensure your containers get the right level of access to their host’s kernel.

“In the Linux OS and in Linux containers, every system call is a direct interaction with the kernel,” Fritsch writes, noting that’s “the very same kernel that all segregation features depend on. System calls are a signi€cant attack surface, where nothing must go wrong.”

Overall, however, the paper suggests that organisations consider a move to containers. And not just to keep up with the DevOps crowd. ®

Global DDoS threat landscape report

Microsoft Wins Appeal, Doesn’t Have To Hand Over Data Stored In Ireland

The content below is taken from the original (Microsoft Wins Appeal, Doesn’t Have To Hand Over Data Stored In Ireland), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Server Hero

Server Hero

For years, Microsoft has been battling it out with the U.S. government about a warrant that was issued requiring the company to turn over information that was stored in an offshore data center. Today, the 2nd U.S Circuit Court of Appeals in New York overturned a 2014 ruling requiring the company to hand over the information from a narcotics case that was stored in one of its data centers.

The problem began when the U.S. government wanted Microsoft to hand over email information that was stored on an Irish server. Microsoft argued that because the physical server was not located on US soil, the government did not have the right, nor ability, to require the company to hand over the documents.

This court case has big implications in the cloud based world we are headed towards because this ruling means that the laws where the physical server is stored governs the data on the hard drives not where the company is headquartered. In short, just because Microsoft owns the data center in another country does not mean that the U.S. government can require the company to hand over information stored on hard drives in that facility.

Circuit Judge Susan Carney, full text here, stated  that warrants issued under the Stored Communications Act are applicable to data stored within the United States; U.S. service providers are not required to honor warrants seeking data stored over seas.

This is a big win for Microsoft and every other company in the US that stores data overseas as it removes the concern foreign companies raised that the U.S. government could access their data at any time. With today’s verdict going in favor of Microsoft, the company can once again assure customers that even though they are a U.S. company, as long as a customer uses Azure data centers not on U.S. soil, then the customer does not fall under US regulation.

The post Microsoft Wins Appeal, Doesn’t Have To Hand Over Data Stored In Ireland appeared first on Petri.

Understanding Containers: Docker, CoreOS, LXD and Container Partners

The content below is taken from the original (Understanding Containers: Docker, CoreOS, LXD and Container Partners), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

By The VAR Guy

By The VAR Guy

By now, you’ve probably heard of Docker containers. But what about the rest of the container ecosystem? Which other companies are involved in containers and microservices, and what types of partnership opportunities exist surrounding containers? Keep reading for insight.

If you’re confused by containers, you’re not alone. The term itself is a pretty loose one, and the container ecosystem is complex. Docker (which is both a company and an open source container project) has made the most headlines regarding containers. But it’s by no means the only name in the container space.

So, to clear up all the confusion, here are some answers to the questions you’ve been dying to ask about containers…

What are Containers?

Simply put, containers are a method for running software inside isolated environments.

But that method can be implemented in different ways and for different purposes. In general, most of the talk about containers today involves running individual apps inside of them. Containerized apps offer more portability and easier deployability.

However, you can also run entire operating systems inside a container. Canonical’s LXD platform supports this, for example. So does Solaris, the Unix-like OS now owned by Oracle.

Which Container Platforms Are Available?

Again, there are a number of container platforms available. Here are the main ones:

  • Docker, the most popular container platform at the moment.
  • CoreOS, which has a container runtime called Rocket, or rkt.
  • LXC, which forms the basis for LXD. LXC used to be the basis of Docker containers, too, but Docker now uses a homegrown runtime.

These are only the major container platforms available for production use now. The list would be much longer if we included every type of container technology out there, from FreeBSD jails to Unikernels.

What is Container Orchestration?

Containers themselves only run a piece of software. To use containers effectively in real-world environments, you need an orchestration tool.

Orchestration tools automate most of the tasks involved in spinning containers up and managing them once they’re running. If you have thousands of containerized apps running in your cloud, you can’t feasibly manage them without taking advantage of automation tools.

Which Container Orchestration Tools Exist?

The complete list of container orchestration tools, like the list of container platforms, is pretty long. But currently, there are three big ones:

  • Docker Swarm, Docker’s homegrown orchestration tool.
  • Kubernetes, a cluster management tool originally developed by Google.
  • Mesosphere, a cluster orchestration tool that was not developed specifically for containers, but which works well enough on containerized infrastructure.

Do You Have to Use a Certain Orchestration Tool with a Certain Container Platform?

No. All of the major container orchestrators support all of the major container platforms.

But things got more complex recently with Docker’s announcement that Docker Swarm is now baked in to Docker itself. You can still use Kubernetes, Mesosphere or another orchestrator with Docker. But with Swarm built in, it’s the default choice for Docker.

CoreOS and LXD don’t yet come with built-in orchestration systems.

Where are the Container Partnership Opportunities?

This answer could be its own article, but here are a few tips to keep in mind when thinking about containers and the channel:

  • Traditionally, container orchestration and deployment add-ons have been a key feature for companies that partner with Docker or CoreOS, such as Rancher. (So far there haven’t been any big LXD partnerships.)
  • However, Docker’s decision to build orchestration into Docker itself will probably undercut the appeal of the sorts of partnerships mentioned above for organizations that use Docker.
  • That said, the CoreOS ecosystem is still ripe for resellers who can add user-friendliness or managed services around the CoreOS platform.
  • Visualization is an area where all the big container platforms could use some partner love. Docker, CoreOS and LXD were designed by developers for developers, and that’s obvious from their complex, command-line-centric interfaces. For that reason, better management and data visualization interfaces from resellers would probably appeal to the container market as it expands beyond developers.
  • Despite advances in the areas of container networking and persistent data storage, these are still complicated tasks for containerized infrastructure. That means opportunity for partners who can simplify them. Bonus points if you can do it without requiring tedious command-line administration, which is still required for most Docker and CoreOS networking and storage.

This first ran at

New Veeam Availability Suite 9.5 to Be One of the First Availability Solutions to Include Full Integration with Windows Server 2016 and Hyper-V Technologies

The content below is taken from the original (New Veeam Availability Suite 9.5 to Be One of the First Availability Solutions to Include Full Integration with Windows Server 2016 and Hyper-V Technologies), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Veeam Software , the innovative provider of solutions that deliver Availability for the Always-On Enterprise , today announced that the new Veeam… Read more at

Microsoft launches new Skype for Linux and Chrome

The content below is taken from the original (Microsoft launches new Skype for Linux and Chrome), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Linux and Chromebook users now have new versions of Skype to play with.

Microsoft launched an alpha version of a new client for Linux on Wednesday, in a push to get users of the open-source operating system to make video calls and send messages with Skype.

There was a Linux client available for the service previously, but this launch is a move by the company to get users of the operating system on the latest version of Skype. Users will get a new interface, emoticons, and a file-sharing interface.

Chrome users will be able to use to make calls from Google’s web browser and desktop operating system starting Wednesday, too. Like the Linux client, the new Chrome client is still in alpha, so there are likely to be bugs, along with missing features.  

These launches are important as Skype faces increased competition in the messaging and digital calling space. Apps like Slack, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Google Hangouts have all either built or are building voice and video calling functionality into their services. 

The new Linux app allows users to connect with other people using the latest versions of Skype across many other platforms. But it’s based on new calling architecture that makes it incompatible with the previous version of Skype for Linux and some older versions of Skype on other platforms. 

DigitalOcean Releases Block Storage, Enabling Developers and Businesses to Build and Scale Larger Applications

The content below is taken from the original (DigitalOcean Releases Block Storage, Enabling Developers and Businesses to Build and Scale Larger Applications), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

DigitalOcean, provider of the cloud computing platform designed for developers, today released Block Storage, the number one product request from… Read more at

Microsoft spices up Surface Hub with Azure cloud services

The content below is taken from the original (Microsoft spices up Surface Hub with Azure cloud services), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Microsoft’s supersize Surface Hub is often viewed as a computer for videoconferencing and digital whiteboarding, but it is emerging as more than just the centerpiece of a conference room.

The Surface Hub is a one-of-a-kind, all-in-one PC with a 55- or 84-inch screen that started shipping a few months back. The device provides new ways for users to present, exchange, share and manipulate data from the Azure cloud, said Hayete Gallot, general manager at Microsoft Devices.

Users are still exploring ways in which it can be used. The large screen and collaborative features can be powerful tools in visualizing data extracted from the cloud, Gallot suggests.

Microsoft and SoftBank Robotics are linking Surface Hub panels to the Azure cloud services platform to make shopping easier for shoppers in stores. The Surface Hub will make purchase recommendations based on an analysis of data collected from stores, customers, point-of-sale purchases, smartphones, e-commerce sites and other sources.

For businesses, Azure can turn cloud-based data into presentations on the Hub. The inking and touch features allows business users to take take the data, create different models, make comparisons, and then make projections, Gallot said.

There are many examples of ways in which the Surface Hub could tap into Azure for business planning, forecasting and customer engagement, Gallot said.

The ability to use a large-screen computer to manipulate and present data is highly valued in sectors like finance, where critical decisions are made based on big-data insights, Gallot said.

Hospitals are replacing whiteboards with the Surface Hub, which uses Skype for Business for videoconferencing and OneNote as a digital whiteboard. Applications hosted on Azure are also now being used on Surface Hub.

Mural, a cloud-based digital whiteboard hosted on Azure, is being used on Surface Hub so remote workers can collaborate on documents and product designs. The service can be fired up during Skype videoconferencing sessions.

Azure itself is also closely linked to other hardware. HP considers Azure a key element in the ability to convert its Elite X3 smartphone into a PC alternative. Azure also provides the middleware for makers using Raspberry Pi 3 to connect internet of thing devices and cloud-based services, said Eben Upton, founder of Raspberry Pi, in an interview.

Starting at $8,999, the Surface Hub isn’t for everyone. It won’t be upgraded as often as regular tablets and PCs, but it’s versatile and the use cases will continue to expand, Gallot said.

64-bit Banana Pi runs Linux on Allwinner A64, has WiFi, BT, GbE

The content below is taken from the original (64-bit Banana Pi runs Linux on Allwinner A64, has WiFi, BT, GbE), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Sinovoip revealed an open “Banana Pi BPI-M64” SBC based on a quad-core, Cortex-A53 Allwinner A64 SoC, with 2GB RAM, up to 64GB eMMC, plus WiFi, BT, and GbE. SinoVoip, one of the two competing companies that emerged along with LeMaker (Banana Pro) from the original Banana Pi open source project, has unveiled its first 64-bit […]

Pimp your ride with new Linux for cars and an rPi under the hood

The content below is taken from the original (Pimp your ride with new Linux for cars and an rPi under the hood), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

The Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) project is about to unleash the second version of its unified code base – snappily called UCB 2.0 – with expanded hardware support and

For the participating car-makers and hardware vendors it’s a big deal.

Features landing in the latest distribution include support for a rear seat display with video playback, letting a rear-seat passenger control video from their touch screen; audio routing supporting both GENIVI (“IVI” stands for in-vehicle infotainment) and Samsung’s Tizen. There’s also a new build environment and a new test infrastructure.

What will be exciting the project most, we suspect, is that this version supports a lot more hardware than AGL supported in January 2016.

Back then, there were two Renesas boards and a QEMU x86 virtual machine with AGL; now, the distribution supports hardware from NXP, Qualcomm’s DragonBoard, TI’s Vayu EVM, the Raspberry Pi, and various Intel boards.

The project reckons its vehicle messaging bus will block car hackers, by preventing rogue applications from talking to the vehicle bus; and the application framework similarly has an eye to security, with resources assigned only to approved applications.

The distribution will get its download button during the Automotive Grade Linux Summit in Tokyo this week. ®

Accelerated Computing and the Democratization of Supercomputing

Windows Server-as-a-service: Microsoft lays out Server 2016’s future

The content below is taken from the original (Windows Server-as-a-service: Microsoft lays out Server 2016’s future), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Microsoft has released details of how Windows Server 2016 will be released and maintained, and as with Windows 10 it includes a “Windows as a service” model of frequent operating system updates.

Windows Server 2016 will be launched at the company’s Ignite conference, which runs from September 26 to 30 in Atlanta, Georgia. As with the current release, there will be three editions: Datacenter, Standard and Essentials.

Several things are new, though. One is that Windows Server 2016 will be priced and licensed per core, rather than per physical processor.

Another is that the Datacenter and Standard editions have a new installation option called Nano Server, which is a stripped-down version designed for lightweight virtual machines, or a low-overhead host for virtual machines. Nano Server has no GUI and can only be managed remotely.

There are also changes to the way Windows Server is serviced. Datacenter and Standard can be installed either as Long-Term Servicing Branch (LTSB) – with five years of mainstream support and five years of extended support – or as Current Branch for Business (CBB), in which case you can expect feature updates two or three times a year. These terms are familiar from Microsoft’s Windows 10 release, which follows a similar pattern.

When it comes to a Nano Server installation though, Microsoft is only offering CBB. You will have to upgrade regularly to a release with new features, or it will not be supported.

“Only two CBB releases will be serviced at any given time, therefore when the third Nano Server release comes out, you will need to move off of #1 as it will no longer be serviced. When #4 comes out, you will need to move off of #2, and so on,” explains the team in a blog post.

A further twist is that because Nano Server is CBB only, Microsoft is disallowing its use in production unless you have Software Assurance, an enhanced (and more expensive) license which permits version upgrades.

Microsoft’s licensing guide also shows that use of Windows Server Containers, a key new feature, is limited to two instances with the Standard Edition if you use the better-isolated Hyper-V containers. Non Hyper-V containers are unlimited with either edition.

Features reserved for the Datacenter edition include Storage Spaces Direct, Storage Replica, software defined networking stack, and shielded virtual machines.

The per-core pricing for Windows Server 2016 requires a minimum of eight 2‑core licenses for each physical server. In its licensing guide, Microsoft states that “the price of 16‑core licenses of Windows Server 2016 Datacenter and Standard Editions will be the same price as the 2‑processor license of the corresponding editions of the Windows Server 2012‑R2 version.”

One piece of good news though: there will still be a free Hyper-V Server Edition if all you need is the hypervisor. ®

The Nuts and Bolts of Ransomware in 2016

First SoCs based on open source RISC-V run Linux

The content below is taken from the original (First SoCs based on open source RISC-V run Linux), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

SiFive unveiled the first embedded SoCs based on the open source RISC-V platform: A Linux-ready octa-core Freedom U500 and a FreeRTOS-based Freedom E300. A VC-backed startup closely associated with the RISC-V project announced the first system-on-chip implementations of the open source RISC-V processor platform. At the RISC-V 4thWorkshop at MIT this week, SiFive announced two […]

IDG Contributor Network: The Wi-Fi network edge leads in an SDN world

The content below is taken from the original (IDG Contributor Network: The Wi-Fi network edge leads in an SDN world), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Two decades ago, the core was the place to be in campus networking. The networking battles of the 1990s concluded with the edge specialists humbled and assimilated by core product lines. Control the core, we declared, and the edge will fall into place.

But now the edge is fruitful, and the core is sterile—and for two reasons. First, the wireless interface adds mobility and complexity to the edge. Second, the new architectures of software-defined networking (SDN) and IoT are based on centralized models that take sensed information, manipulate a software representation of the network, then send control signals back to network nodes. Nodes are peers under the controller. Their importance is based on the quantity and quality of the information they can report, as well as the sophistication of the control they can apply.

Wired edge switches, on the other hand, have relatively simple functionality. Wi-Fi access requires a network edge with 802.1X authentication, dynamic VLAN assignment and mobility constructs. These are all sophisticated architectures, and they account for the emergence of specialist WLAN overlay equipment. The last decade showed traditional Ethernet switch designers were unable to build state-of-the-art Wi-Fi hardware and software into their products, although they were well-positioned in the market.

The power of the Wi-Fi network edge

However, it is the new thinking around SDN that makes the Wi-Fi network edge especially powerful. Its centralized, abstracted network model must be fed with the current state of the network. Where can it get the most information on network state?  From the edge.

Access points sense the RF signals from connected devices, identifying location and tracking mobility. They are involved in authentication, learning the identity and status of devices. They monitor ARP, DHCP, mDNS, DNS and other protocols, providing insights into connectivity requirements. And they are in the data path, able to profile and report traffic flows. No other network node is placed to monitor all these protocols. The farther one travels from the edge towards the core, the more information is lost.

Thus far, SDN implementations have dealt mostly with optimum routing through the network, treating the access point like a wired edge switch—although there have already been various research projects seeking to extend the model. But as SDN technology matures, it will place more emphasis on the wireless network edge to report complete information on client devices and traffic flows to the central controller.

And in the opposite direction, the controller will apply policy to its model of the network, its traffic and device requirements, sending control signals to reconfigure the physical network. To which network nodes will these signals be directed? Surely, to the edge. This is where authentication can be interrupted, addresses dynamically assigned, ARP and other multicast protocols passed or blocked to create connectivity maps and quality of service, and data traffic interdicted, diverted or modified for appropriate levels of user experience.

Interfaces are important in our universe. The biosphere, software APIs, human skin, (some even consider the white cliffs of Dover a significant interface)—the list is long, and we can now add another, the wireless network edge. Wireless access points have not yet received the attention they deserve in architectural discussions, but they are set to become the principal sensor and policy-enforcement points of the campus network, continuing the resurgence of the edge.

This article is published as part of the IDG Contributor Network. Want to Join?

Rolls-Royce reckons robot cargo ships are the future of the seas

The content below is taken from the original (Rolls-Royce reckons robot cargo ships are the future of the seas), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Rolls-Royce reckons robot cargo ships are the future of the seas

A million pirates yelled ‘splice the mainbrace, me hearty!’

Container ship, photo via Dmitry Chulov Shutterstock

Modern container ship. Pic: Shutterstock

Comment Rolls-Royce and the Advanced Autonomous Waterborne Applications Initiative (AAWA) believe the future of cargo transportation is autonomous – and they have published an 88 page white paper (PDF) to prove it.

The company outlined its vision of remote controlled cargo ships at the Autonomous Ship Technology Symposium in Amsterdam last week, claiming unmanned vessels would be cheaper to operate and would have more space for cargo.

Speaking at the Symposium Oskar Levander, Rolls-Royce, Vice President of Innovation – Marine, said: “This is happening. It’s not if, it’s when. The technologies needed to make remote and autonomous ships a reality exist.”

He continued: “The AAWA project is testing sensor arrays in a range of operating and climatic conditions in Finland and has created a simulated autonomous ship control system which allows the behaviour of the complete communication system to be explored and we will see a remote controlled ship in commercial use by the end of the decade.”

The project also has the support of ship owners and operators. The tests of sensor arrays are being carried out aboard Finferries’ 65-metre double ended ferry, the Stella, which operates between Korpo and Houtskär, while ESL Shipping Ltd is helping explore the implications of remote and autonomous ships for the short sea cargo sector.

If introduced in this timeframe, ships could beat cars to be the first autonomous vehicle to be rolled out on a significant scale.

The route to transform commercial shipping is not plain sailing, however, with the white paper warning that autonomous ships may be more vulnerable to piracy as inadequate security would potentially mean hackers could commandeer the freighters.

“In principle, anybody skilful and capable to attain access into the ICT system could take control of the ship and change its operation according to hackers’ objectives,” the white paper states.

“This could mean simply some disruptive actions or manoeuvres introduced for annoyance or demonstration, hijacking of the ship and cargo for ransom, but also powered groundings or collisions created on purpose to cause severe destruction.”

Rolls-Royce is not first to float the idea of autonomous ships, with the US Navy launching its first fully autonomous warship, dubbed the Sea Hunter, earlier this year in what is seen as a dramatic advancement as we head towards fully autonomous, hunter-killer weapons platforms – but unlike its USN counterpart, Rolls-Royce still plans for there to be a human in the loop – albeit someone in a control center thousands of miles away. ®

This column was originally published on The Futurist.

The Nuts and Bolts of Ransomware in 2016

Vyapin Virtualization Management Suite v2.0 Released

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A new major version of Vyapin Virtualization Management Suite (formerly Hyper-V Management Suite) has been released recently with VM Performance… Read more at

The Top Three Programming Languages for Electronics Tinkering

The content below is taken from the original (The Top Three Programming Languages for Electronics Tinkering), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

If you’re planning on tinkering around with electronics, whether it’s on a Raspberry Pi, Arduino, or anything else, you’ll need to know at least a little bit of programming. sent out a survey to figure out which three languages people thought were the best to learn.

The survey was filled out by over 3,000 people from around the world. They overwhelmingly point to C and C++ as the language to learn if you’re into electronics tinkering. Behind C is Python, which is followed closely by Javascript, Java, and C#.

As for the hardware itself, Arduino led the pack, with the Raspberry Pi and Particle following behind. Obviously which language you learn and which platform you use is dependent on the project itself, but if you’re not sure where exactly to start, C and C++ seem like a good place. Head over to for the full results of their survey.…

The Largest Maker Survey Is Here |

Bracing for Brexit: How Your IT Department Can Prepare for the Coming Changes

The content below is taken from the original (Bracing for Brexit: How Your IT Department Can Prepare for the Coming Changes), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

By IT Pro

By IT Pro

Chaos. Mess. Uncertainty. If you’ve been following the aftermath of the Brexit vote on June 23, where U.K. citizens opted to leave the European Union (EU), then you’ve likely seen numerous articles referring to Brexit using these words — none of which are very comforting if you run an international business or use cloud services, which are inherently global.

Changes in policies around data privacy and portability, immigration, and other key areas that impact doing business in the U.K. could have a massive impact on cloud services for both service providers and end-users.

This uncertainty is exacerbated when you look at the political climate in the U.K. British Prime Minister David Cameron stepped down abruptly after the votes were tallied, and his expected successor Boris Johnson followed with an announcement last week that he would not be running for PM. This political mass exodus is somewhat alarming to U.K. businesses, who seem to be operating in limbo; not only until the fall when a new party leader is elected, but also for the next two or so years it will take before the U.K. leaves the EU, if at all. (Since the vote is not legally binding, there could be a second U.K. referendum.)

“Right now, there are so many steps before the U.K. can leave, one cannot predict whether it will leave and under what conditions,” said Françoise Gilbert, a lawyer specializing in international technology and IT issues with Greenberg Traurig. She said that there was some silver lining to the complexity. “Whatever happens in the next will not be too drastic, and it will take many, many years.”

See also: US Data Center Giants in Europe: the Brexit Effect

But for companies watching Brexit unfold, there’s still a lot of uncertainty. Keep reading to find out what you need to know as you plan for expansion to the U.K., what happens to your existing data in the U.K., and what Brexit could mean for cloud as we know it, along with some practical, actionable tips for weathering Brexit.

The Bigger the Cloud, the Less Impact?

Some cloud providers and data center services providers seem as committed as ever to the UK cloud market. For example, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced its intention to continue with plans to open a London data center in the fall, saying that it was watching the situation but for now it’s “business as usual.”

Global colocation provider Equinix said its strong presence in the major metros across Europe (the company has data centers in 63 data centers in Europe and the Middle East) puts it in a strong position regardless of how Brexit is implemented.

“The outcome from the Brexit vote is complex and will unfold over the next several months. During that time we’ll be closely monitoring how the exit will be implemented,” Eric Schwartz, President, Equinix EMEA said. “Having said that, Equinix’s business continues to be driven by secular growth of global data traffic and the massive shift in IT to support this data explosion.”

Of course, AWS and Equinix are two companies with a massive amount of infrastructure; even if their UK investments suffered, they have multiple points of presence in the rest of Europe to serve customers across the continent.

See also: Brexit: Keep Calm and Hold Onto Data Center REITs

IT Spending to Take a Hit

Smaller businesses may want to be a little more cautious in their U.K. play. Gartner research vice president John-David Lovelock suggests that “new larger, long-term strategic [IT] projects will now be put on pause and likely not restarted until 2017 when the outlook with the U.K. outside the EU becomes clearer.”

Lovelock said that as a result of this pause in IT projects, the U.K. will see negative IT spending growth in 2016, and the effects may spread to Western Europe as well.

In a survey of its U.K. members, IT trade association CompTIA found that 38% of respondents expected the Brexit to impact purchasing decisions, with another 16% of respondents unsure if there would be an impact. Almost a third of respondents thought the move would have a negative impact on their companies’ profitability.

Global head of Gartner Research Peter Sondergaard recommends that company CIOs create “a small, virtual task force, or ‘Office of Brexit’, to act as a project team preparing for the eventual changes.”

Creating this in-house team that can keep the rest of the company up to date on Brexit, and assess all potential issues that could come up, it’s also a relatively straight-forward way for a company of any size to prepare for any outcomes of Brexit that could have an impact.

Brexit touches many areas of the business, so be sure to include others outside of IT when forming your “Office of Brexit.” Once you’ve established this group, what are some of the areas you should be looking at? We asked the experts to come up with three considerations to keep in mind as you assess the impact Brexit may have on your business.

Data Portability and Security

According to Forrester, uncertainty over privacy regulations will make it difficult for companies operating in the U.K., who could previously share data with systems in any of the other 27 EU countries.

If the U.K. leaves the EU, it may need to become a trusted entity like Canada or Switzerland, or pass new privacy laws that meet the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), according to Forrester. This latter part is critical for EU companies who must comply with the GDPR, so these companies may migrate workloads elsewhere in Europe.

A lot of the open questions won’t be resolved for a while: Once the U.K. officially submits that it is withdrawing from the EU, a two-year negotiation period will kick off, at which point those kinds of agreements would be worked out. But it’s not too soon to start assessing what data could be impacted, and starting to plan on ways to dampen the impact gradually.

“I would start with doing an evaluation: Where is my data, where are the people with whom I interact, what are the rules around the data we have, where are my servers,” said Gilbert.

Human Resources and Labor Laws

Good IT personnel are hard to find, and may become even harder to retain in the U.K. if Brexit goes through.

According the the CompTIA study, 22% of respondents said their employment strategy will change if Britain leaves the EU.

“IT departments in the U.K. will find it difficult to hire new staff as freedom of movement in 27 EU countries will no longer apply,” said Chris Byrne, founder and chief executive of SensorPro, which is based in Ireland. “Costs for Tech staff will increase due to a shortage.” He noted that already, Ireland was working to poach firms that are concerned about the changes, writing to over a thousand companies that the country was interested in helping those looking to relocate.

Gartner says that in order to reassure employees, clear communication with “key employees whose roles look to be impacted” is crucial. Employers will also want to review where key IT staff is located and how certain skill set hubs might be affected.

Immigration is one of the key issues in the Brexit negotiations in the U.K., where more than 3.2 million non-UK nationals were employed as of 2015, accounting for six percent of the total workforce.

Suppliers and Partnerships

If you have data stored overseas, you are already aware of the nuances and complexities of data privacy regulations. And you likely have existing relationships with suppliers and vendors who should be able to help you navigate it if you ask the right questions.

European colocation provider Interxion director of cloud strategy Vincent in’t Veld said that service providers should engage with their suppliers in the U.K. in order to stay ahead of Brexit.

“The key question I would ask my supplier is, how are you monitoring this? How is your legal department monitoring the situation? How are you going to keep me up to date? I would ask my supplier to stay very close and keep me up to date about changes which could impact my setup inside their data center,” in’t Veld said.

The exit might also have an impact on your options for vendors: Between an economic downturn that is already taking shape and increased regulation in making deals, many expect fewer international companies to come calling, including those that aren’t even based in the EU to begin with.

Almost a third of respondents in the CompTIA survey said that they believed U.S. IT vendors would emphasize the U.K. less if the country left the EU.

This first ran at

HDInsight tool in Azure Toolkit for Eclipse is GA!

The content below is taken from the original (HDInsight tool in Azure Toolkit for Eclipse is GA!), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Today, we are pleased to announce that the HDInsight tool in Azure Toolkit for Eclipse is generally available. Since our GA announcement of HDInsight Tool for IntelliJ, we are maintaining our strong momentum to serve the open source community and expanding our support for Eclipse. The HDInsight Tool for Eclipse is part of the Azure Toolkit for Eclipse and will be of particular interest to HDInsight Spark developers. It is an open source project as part of Azure Toolkit for Eclipse, whose source code is available under the MIT License from the project’s site at:

The HDInsight Tool for Eclipse is intended to improve usability, boost productivity of Spark developers and enable you to enjoy native Scala and Java development experiences from Eclipse. For big data developers building Spark applications on HDInsight, it can sometimes be hard to get started building your first application, and the Spark application development lifecycle in IDE can be long and tedious. With this tool, you can get started with HDInsight Spark in just a few minutes and experienced Spark developers can iterate their development cycles faster and easier.

What features are supported in HDInsight Tool for Eclipse?

The HDInsight Tool for Eclipse extends Eclipse to allow you to create and develop HDInsight Spark applications and easily submit Spark jobs to Microsoft Azure HDInsight Spark clusters using the Eclipse development environment. It integrates seamlessly with Azure, enabling you to easily navigate HDInsight Spark clusters and to view associated Azure storage accounts. To further boost productivity, the HDInsight Tool for Eclipse also offers the capability to view Spark job history and display detailed job logs. 

The HDInsight Tool for Eclipse offers the following key capabilities:

•    Create Spark projects with built-in templates, sample code and intelligence to autocreate artifacts and locate assemblies. 
•    Develop Spark applications with native authoring support (e.g. IntelliSense, auto format, error checking, etc.) from Eclipse (mainly Scala and Java).
•    Submit Spark applications to HDInsight clusters.
•    Allow users to stop a running Spark application before its completion.
•    Test and validate Spark applications locally.
•    View all the Spark clusters associated with a user’s Azure subscriptions.
•    Navigate the associated storage resources of a user’s HDInsight Spark cluster.
•    Cache the Spark logs to disk in case the Spark logs are too big.

How do I get started?

You need to first install Eclipse and download the prerequisite files including Java SDK, Scala IDE for Eclipse and Microsoft HDInsight Spark Cluster, then get the latest bits by going to the Eclipse repository and searching “Azure Toolkit for Java”. Eclipse will also prompt you for the latest updates if you have previously installed the Azure Toolkit for Java plugin.

For more information, check out the following links:

•    Video: Introducing HDInsight Tools for Eclipse for HDInsight Spark Development
•    Documentation:

Learn more about today’s announcements on the Azure Data Lake Blog.

Discover more Azure service updates.

If you have questions, feedback, comments, or bug reports, please use the comments below or send a note to [email protected].

Alibaba’s first smart car is up for pre-order right now

The content below is taken from the original (Alibaba’s first smart car is up for pre-order right now), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

After more than a year of development, Alibaba’s first "internet car," the Car’OS RX5 sport utility vehicle, is available for pre-order in China. The SUV costs the equivalent of $22,230 (as a base price) and deliveries are expected to roll out in August. Alibaba partnered with China’s largest automaker, the state-owned SAIC Motor Corp., to develop the new vehicle. The RX5 uses YunOS, the Alibaba operating system that powers its line of smart home appliances, including refrigerators, vacuum cleaners and air conditioners.

Alibaba’s own news site Alizila reports that the company’s goal is to connect all cars to the IoT ecosystem, where they can share data to create better experiences for users at home or on the go. The RX5 supports voice commands and navigation tools, and it will allow drivers to reserve and pay for parking spaces, gas station trips and coffee runs via Alibaba’s payment service, Alipay. The "intelligent map" won’t require WiFi or GPS to track the vehicle’s location, the company says. Plus, the RX5 will save a unique "internet ID" for each driver that enters the vehicle, allowing the system to recommend specific music, air temperature or restaurants based on previous trips.

The SUV features three LED screens and room for up to four detachable, 360-degree cameras perfect for recording drives or taking selfies, Alizila says. YunOS will be open to other developers and companies who want to get in on the smart car game in China, YunOS president Zhang Chunhui says.

Source: Alizila

How Hardware-as-a-Service will save IoT

The content below is taken from the original (How Hardware-as-a-Service will save IoT), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Here’s the dirty little secret about the Internet of Things: The Things might not work, and you might not use them.

As a consumer, many of your gadgets will collect dust tucked away in a drawer (I must admit, I have a large box full of wearables and other things with which I don’t know what to do). As a business, many of your devices will not perform as well as expected, turning into maintenance-heavy money pits.

This is because it’s hard to gauge the usefulness of a new, innovative hardware Thing. Some won’t be useful; others will stop working. Even the ones that you love, the hard-working devices that serve you every day, will soon become obsolete, replaced by newer, better, shinier Things.

And so we keep buying these new Things, seduced by their promises — and later often find ourselves saddled with buyer’s remorse.

But soon, thanks to a concept called HardwareasaService (HaaS), we’ll have fewer of these regrets, because we’ll own fewer of these Things. Thanks to HaaS, the way individuals and businesses consume hardware products is changing.

What is HardwareasaService?

HardwareasaService, which clearly has roots in Software-asaService, is a business model where companies sell packages that include hardware, software, maintenance and, sometimes, installation, for a monthly fee. Under HaaS, customers pay for services, not Things; consequently, HaaS contracts often include a service-level agreement (SLA).

Here are some examples:

Vivint is a smart-home company that offers security sensors, smart locks, thermostats, installation, servicing and 24/7 customer support for a monthly fee. Most of this hardware is made by the company. Plans start at around $60/month, with a free trial period and minimum contract length. With more than 1 million customers and $650 million in revenue, their strategy seems to be working.

Hitachi recently announced a “trains as a service” contract with Virgin in the U.K. for 65 new high-speed Hitachi trains. Under that deal, Hitachi maintains ownership of the trains, and is paid based on their trains’ reliability.

HaaS can be a shield against the endless march of hardware commoditization.

In fact, transportation is the leading edge of HaaS. Bike-sharing programs like NYC’s Citi Bike provide access to bicycles for as little as $15/month. In many cities, car-sharing programs like Zipcar and car2go have replaced the need to own a car. Uber recently launched $5 rates to provide an everyday transportation option for commuters, further reducing car ownership needs.

Even the large tech companies are starting to get on board. Earlier this month, Microsoft launched “Surfaces-asaService, allowing business customers to pay a monthly fee for a Microsoft Surface, unlimited phone/in-store support and hardware upgrades. HP is reportedly exploring HaaS plans for their device product lines. And some analysts believe that an “Apple-asaService” subscription-based revenue model is the answer to that company’s woes.

The advantages of HaaS

HardwareasaService is here because it makes sense. Almost all hardware is a depreciating asset: why would we want to own it? For example, a new car loses nearly 10 percent of its value when driven off the lot. In these cases, it makes simple economic sense not to own.

HaaS also taps into the current zeitgeist of minimalism, where books about decluttering become bestsellers and less-than-400-square-foot houses become the focus of popular TV shows, as well as the growing sharing economy.

There are many more advantages for customers. HaaS transforms an up-front capital expenditure into an ongoing operating expense, which also allows for more accurate cost/value comparisons: e.g. “Is this worth $X/month to me?” Operating expenses become cheaper through shared use, especially for Things we don’t always use: e.g. bike/car sharing.

There is less worry about maintenance because of bundled-in servicing, which means any errors, bugs and other misbehaving gremlins become the headache of the hardware provider. Included servicing also caps the total cost of ownership: You know exactly how much it will cost for as long as you use it.

With HaaS, problems are fixed faster: Sometimes the hardware provider is not paid if the Thing is not operating (e.g. Hitachi’s trains), which incentivizes them to repair equipment quickly, even proactively (i.e. preventative maintenance). And there is less need to worry about obsolescence. You pay for the service, not the hardware; newer, cheaper hardware often enables the provider to offer a better service to you, which encourages them to upgrade.

HaaS changes the relationship between the vendor and customer.

HaaS also has advantages for IoT companies, just as software vendors benefited from SaaS. HaaS is easier to sell because of the lowered up-front cost. HaaS contracts generate predictable monthly revenue. HaaS plans create longer customer relationships, which can drive further sales. Bundling hardware, software, maintenance and installation improves margins: Pricing becomes a function of the value provided, not of the underlying (and diminishing) hardware costs. In other words, HaaS can be a shield against the endless march of hardware commoditization.

What is old is new again

Of course, HaaS is not completely new — we’ve already seen a similar transformation with SaaS, which paved the way by making subscription services widespread and generally accepted. HaaS is also a result of the recent flood of innovation released by the lowered barriers for building hardware: cheaper components, easier prototyping, more accessible contract manufacturers, newer distribution channels and hardware-friendly investors.

It is the next step in the evolution of product-delivery models: from buying, to financing, to renting/leasing and now to HaaS.

The key difference with HaaS is you pay for the usage of the service, not the asset, which is why we see HaaS under a variety of names: Smart-Home-asaService (Vivint), Trains-asaService (Hitachi), Cars-asaService (Zipcar, car2go, Uber), etc.

In other words, HaaS is a new way of thinking. HaaS changes the relationship between the vendor and customer, extending a one-time transaction into a long-term relationship. This means customers need to pay more attention to how their vendors operate, and vendors need to pay more attention to their existing customers.

Of course, HaaS may not fit all hardware products. Some devices will be so cheap that they’re disposable. Some will be so expensive that they’ll require up-front payment just to support cash flow needs (especially for startups). Other businesses will still thrive off of crowdfunded pre-sales.

But HaaS is here, and we are better off because of it.

Thanks to Mike Freedman, Jamie Cuffe and Nitin Chopra for reading drafts of this article.

Featured Image: Alonso Aguilar/Shutterstock

DevOps: The spotty faced yoof waiting to blossom

The content below is taken from the original (DevOps: The spotty faced yoof waiting to blossom), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

DevOps is a concept that we’ve all started coming across more and more in the last few months. Critically it’s taken a bit of a leap just lately because people have started to: (a) define it formally and (b) actually agree to a decent extent on what the definition is.

So, for what its worth, Wikipedia talks of DevOps as: “A culture, movement or practice that emphasizes the collaboration and communication of both software developers and other information-technology (IT) professionals while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes.”

Webopedia, for its part, calls DevOps: “A type of agile relationship between Development and IT Operations” whose aim is “to change and improve the relationship by advocating better communication and collaboration between the two business units”.

Okay, all well and good. But is it actually a proper thing or is it just a relatively young term that people throw about without either understanding it or meaning it?

Well, first of all I’ll start by saying that I don’t really like the second half of Wikipedia’s definition: I fail to see what specific relationship DevOps has with automation. I do, however, get a warm feeling from the fact that both these definitions (which happened to be the first two I picked at random) both include the words communication and collaboration. So perhaps there’s something in the concept.

Over the last few years I’ve worked in both halves of the DevOps definition, so I’m fortunate in having seen first hand what problems exist between the development world and the operational world. So the operations guys eye the developers with an ill-concealed layer of suspicion, expecting them to try to sneak their new products into production without proper handover or support.

In return the developers are trying to get the fruit of their labours into production because the reason they’ve spent thousands of person-hours putting it together is because the business case says it’s going to improve productivity or profitability, yet all they get from the ops team is a demand for more testing, more support, more documentation, more of everything.

Is this fair? Much of the time, yes. Have I come across cowboy developers who’ve lashed something together and fudged it into production? Of course I have, and I bet you have too. Have I come across ops managers who will find any excuse they can to bat off the developers so that they don’t have something new to support? Yup, no doubt about it.

Interestingly, a single word sums up my frustration as an ops manager when developers come to me to make something live: Agile.

Agile is, I reckon, a good thing. If you can produce something in bursts and get the benefit of the first while you’re building the second, and from the second while you’re building the third, that’s a great thing and much better than waiting forever for a single-hit delivery of a socking big monolithic monster. Not least because the world has probably moved on while you were building the monster and nobody wants it any more. Trouble is, Agile is far too frequently (and wrongly) used to describe poorly designed, poorly implemented crap that doesn’t satisfy the requirement because nobody bothered to define the requirement in the first place.

What about as a developer? Well, my frustration with the ops guys is that while we’re producing new software and systems that do new and exciting things, they have an overwhelming desire to try to fit it into their operations model with their fleet of processes and policies, thereby thwarting our attempts to do stuff differently and innovatively.

Both of these scenarios are understandable, of course. The ops guys have service levels to abide by and a finite amount of staff and time so spend on learning new systems, so you can’t blame them for resisting change. Similarly the developers will generally underestimate the amount of support and training required for a new product because they know it inside out and have become blind to how complex it actually is.

But what actually is the barrier to taking something live? Errr… none of the above, actually – they’re just symptoms of the problem. The problem usually boils down to a lack of common sense.

I mentioned a while back that the business case states that the new development is “going to improve productivity or profitability.” But what is actually in the business case? Chances are it’s all about the cost of the tools to build the product, the staff costs for the developers and testers, and so on.

But unless it’s a big new product (which makes it impossible to miss the obvious) how many business cases include six weeks of contractor coverage for the IT service desk while the team go on training courses for the new product? Or the budget for overtime to cover the retainer because the new development is the first you’ve made that needs to be supported out of hours?

Or the competitive bids from third party support agencies for the back-end database that you’ve had to implement with something non-standard because it has a unique, essential feature?

Business cases for new developments aren’t written by ops managers. Which means that the post-deployment bit doesn’t usually get the focus it deserves. Which in turn frustrates the hell out of the ops guys when yet again they have to work miracles with bugger all resource to take on the new system.

It’s a complete no-brainer, then, to suggest that to make a successful new development you need to involve the operations team from the start. Because frankly the only people who know operations properly are the operations team. Look at the ITIL framework – it starts with strategy then works through design and transition before arriving at operations (with continuous improvement catching the result at the end). Designers seldom have experience in operations, but a critical part of the design process is to understand what obstacles stand in the way of the new product working properly – everything from available computing resource to likely failure points – and how to design around those obstacles. And the way to do that as early as possible in the project is, fairly obviously, to embrace the people who know it all and live it daily.

If you have the ops team on board as part of the project, not only do you get the benefit of their knowledge while you’re building the product but they can also benefit from the developers looking in on ops from outside. It’s easy to be blinkered and have the “but we always do it this way” mentality when you have standard operational processes; having non-ops people in there means the status quo gets questioned and, in some cases, changed.

Think of the case where the ops team says: “We don’t have the resource to support that” and the dev team says: “So why not outsource it then?” If you ask that at deployment time, you’re stuffed. If you ask it at business case time, you budget for it and it’s taken into account from the beginning: occasionally the extra cost makes the project unviable, but usually it doesn’t.

Involving ops staff from the start also brings the final benefit of the concept of DevOps: working together makes it easier to stamp out the obstacles. One of the most eye-opening things you can experience is the first time you sit in a project approval meeting with the developers and the ops guys pulling on the same end of the metaphorical rope.

That’s partly because it’s amusing to see the surprise on everyone’s face when the ops manager smiles and says: “Yup, we’re happy with the support model and they’re including X, Y and Z in the design so it’ll interface into our monitoring suite properly.”

But it’s partly because for the first time ever the business case is realistic because it includes all the ops and support costs and is seen to have been thought out properly.

It also inspires confidence in the approval committee. For example I was once asked by a senior manager why I, as the ops lead, was happy to accept a service into production despite the third party support contract not yet being quite finalised. Easy answer: the developers had kept me informed all along and we’d all agreed (including the business owner of the service) that the benefit of going live immediately was well worth the risk of accepting a best efforts support model for a few weeks.

One thing you learn over the years is that you don’t have to have the best solution every time – what matters is that you can prove that you’ve considered the alternatives and made a positive decision to go with the chosen idea.

As a word, DevOps is at that tricky age where it has got a spotty face and braces on its teeth (not to mention an embarrassing camel-case infection) and sort of shuffles about looking awkward and trying not to make eye contact.

But is it, as a concept, a proper thing? Heck, yes. ®

Global DDoS threat landscape report

OpenStack turns 6: Community collaboration & growth

The content below is taken from the original (OpenStack turns 6: Community collaboration & growth), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

July 19 marks the 6th birthday of OpenStack, and we’re celebrating with the entire OpenStack community during July! OpenStack is an integration engine for diverse cloud technologies, fostering collaboration among emerging communities, and none of it would be possible without the quickly growing, global OpenStack community. There are now more than 54,000 community members, over 80 global user groups across 179 countries and more than 600 supporting companies. We think that deserves a worldwide celebration!

OS_6th_Sticker_Blue OS_6th_Sticker_White OS_6th_Sticker_Gray

We’ve invited all our user groups to celebrate with us. During the month of July, more than 40 OpenStack birthday parties will be thrown all over the world – celebrating the OpenStack community!  We encourage everyone to find a birthday party in your area and join your fellow community members to toast each other on another great year! Don’t forget to share your pictures and memories using #OpenStack6Bday.

Coming soon! Check out SuperuserTV’s live interviews with user group coordinators around the word about how they are planning on celebrating Open Stack’s 6th Birthday!

Find a local celebration in your area:
Atlanta, Georgia – July 21
Baden-Württemberg, Germany – TBD
Belgium – July 5
Brazil – July 16
Central Florida – July 19
Colorado – July 28
Durban – July 8
Frankfurt, Germany – TBD
Greece – July 13
Guadalajara, Mexico – July 15
Guatemala – July 21
Hong Kong – July 12
Italy – July 18
Japan – July 6-7
Kentucky – July 28
Los Angeles – July 28
Manchester, UK – July 27
Morocco – July 23
Munich – July 19
Nairobi – July 16
New York City – July 13
Nigeria – July 8
North Carolina – July 21
Northern Virginia (NOVA) – July 28
Pakistan – July 27
Paris, France – July 5
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – July 28
Romania – July 14
Philippines – July 22
San Francisco, California – July 14**
South Korea – July 21
St. Louis, Missouri – July 21
Sweden – July 6
Switzerland – July 7
Thailand – July 27-28 (tutorials); July 29 (launch party)
Toulouse, France – July 4
Turkey – July 13
Vietnam – July 30
Virginia – July 18
Washington DC – July 18