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We are making two important updates to the AWS Certification program today. We are introducing two new AWS Certification Specialty Exams and our new AWS Certification Benefits Program, giving you another way to validate your skills and to showcase your expertise.
New AWS Certification Specialty Exams
Our new AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty and AWS Certified Big Data – Specialty exams are designed for people with at least one current Associate AWS Certification and deep hands-on experience in the relevant specialty. These credentials can help you stand out from the crowd, get recognized, and provide more evidence of your unique technical skills.
New AWS Certification Benefits
Designed to help showcase your achievement and further advance your AWS expertise, tiered AWS Certification Benefits include newly designed AWS Certified logos and certificates, digital badges, free practice exams, branded merchandise, transcript sharing, and more. Benefits are accessed based on the AWS Certifications you have achieved. The more exams you successfully complete, the more benefits you will receive.
Access Your Specialty Exams and Benefits Today
Sign in to the AWS Training and Certification Portal using an Amazon account or (if you are an APN Partner) your APN Portal credentials. Then click on the Certification link on the AWS Training and Certification Portal to access your AWS Certification Account:
Learn More
Check out the AWS Certifications FAQ and the AWS Training and Certification Portal FAQ if you have any questions.
— Jeff;