Brad Dickinson

Improvements to CloudWatch Logs & Dashboards

The content below is taken from the original (Improvements to CloudWatch Logs & Dashboards), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Amazon CloudWatch helps you to see, diagnose, react to, and resolve issues that arise in your AWS infrastructure and in the applications that you run on AWS. Today, I would like to talk about several usability and functionality improvements to CloudWatch Logs (Store and Monitor OS & Application Log Files with Amazon CloudWatch) and to CloudWatch Dashboards (CloudWatch Dashboards – Create & Use Customized Metrics Views).

Usability Improvements to CloudWatch Logs
CloudWatch Logs is a highly available, scalable, durable, and secure service to manage your operating system and application log files. It allows you to ingest, store, filter, search, and archive the logs, reducing your operational burden and allowing you to focus on your application and your business.

In order to help you to stay efficient and productive even as the number and size of your logs grows, we have made several usability improvements to the CloudWatch Logs Console:

Prior to today’s launch we also made some improvements to the CloudWatch Dashboards:

CloudWatch Logs Console in Action
Let’s take a look at each of these improvements!

Open up the CloudWatch Logs Console, click on a Log Group, and then on a Log Stream within the group. Find the View options menu on the right:

Click on Expand all in order to see the log messages in expanded, multi-line form like this:

You can also Switch to text view in order to see the logs in their unadorned, plain-text form:

We have also improved the display of log data across all streams within a log group. Once you select a Log Group and click Search Events you can see the log data from all streams with that log group. For example, I can easily identify the Billed Duration for multiple invocations of a single Lambda function:

Even better, we have replaced the original paginated view with an infinite scroll bar. You can now scroll to your heart’s content through log files of any length:

You can now refine your search to a specific time frame or to a custom date range with a single click, like this:

If you are working as part of a team, you can now share the URL of your log analysis session. The URL includes the search parameters and filters, and includes a fragment that looks like this:


These improvements to the CloudWatch Logs Console are available now and you can start using them today. To learn more, read Getting Started with CloudWatch Logs.

Recent Improvements to the CloudWatch Dashboards
You may have already noticed the improvements that we recently made to the CloudWatch Dashboards. First, there’s a new full screen mode for Dashboards, accessible by clicking on Enter full screen in the Actions menu:

Once you are in full screen mode, you can click on Dark to switch to the new, night-owl-friendly dark theme:

Here’s a simple Redis dashboard in full screen mode using the dark theme:

Sometimes you want to have more control over how a chart is displayed on your dashboard. As an example, outliers in your data may make your chart less readable, and you may want to keep the dashboard focused on a specific Y axis range. Here’s a chart where that’s the case; the outlier masks the trend that happened after the big spike:

To edit the Y axis, click on the tool selector and select Edit:

Choose Graph Options and then edit the values for the Y axis until you are satisfied with the appearance of the chart, then click on Update widget:

Here’s what the chart looks like after that:

Many of our customers wanted to be able to rename a chart without leaving the dashboard. You can now do that with a click (hover your mouse near the name and then click on the pencil):

Finally, CloudWatch now remembers the time range, timezone preference, refresh interval, and auto-refresh setting for each chart!

Amazon CloudWatch Partner Ecosystem
I’d like to wrap things up by sharing some of the great work that our partners are doing. The following partners are building value-added solutions on top of CloudWatch:

If you are a partner and offer something that belongs on this list, let me know and I’ll update it ASAP!




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