Brad Dickinson

Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell with MFA

The content below is taken from the original ( Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell with MFA), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

As per MC407050, Microsoft is going to retire the “Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell with MFA module” (i.e., EXO V1 module) on Dec 31, 2022. And the support ends on Aug 31, 2022. So, admins should move to EXO V2 module to connect to Exchange Online PowerShell with multi-factor authentication. 


Why We Should Switch from EXO V1 Module? 

Admins should install the Exchange Online remote PowerShell module and use the PowerShell cmdlet Connect-EXOPSSession to connect to Exchange Online PowerShell with MFA. The module uses basic authentication to connect to EXO. Due to basic authentication deprecation, Microsoft has introduced the EXO V2 module with improved security and data retrieval speed. 


Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell with MFA: 

To connect to Exchange Online PowerShell with MFA, you need to install the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module. With this module, you can create a PowerShell session with both MFA and non-MFA accounts using the Connect-ExchangeOnline cmdlet. 

Additionally, the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module uses modern authentication and helps to create unattended scripts to automate the Exchange Online tasks. 

To download and install the EXO V2 module & connect to Exchange Online PowerShell, you can use the script below. 

#Check for EXO v2 module installation
$Module = Get-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -ListAvailable
if($Module.count -eq 0)
 Write-Host Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module is not available -ForegroundColor yellow
 $Confirm= Read-Host Are you sure you want to install module? [Y] Yes [N] No
 if($Confirm -match "[yY]")
 Write-host "Installing Exchange Online PowerShell module"
 Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -Repository PSGallery -AllowClobber -Force
 Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
 Write-Host EXO V2 module is required to connect Exchange Online. Please install module using Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement cmdlet.

Write-Host Connecting to Exchange Online...


If you have already installed the EXO V2 module, you can use the “Connect-ExchangeOnline” cmdlet directly to create a PowerShell session with MFA and non-MFA accounts. For MFA accounts, it will prompt for additional authentication. After the verification, you can access Exchange Online data and Microsoft 365 audit logs. 


Advantages of Using EXO V2 Module: 


If you are using the Exchange Online Remote PowerShell module, it’s time to switch to the EXO V2 module. Also, you can update your existing scripts to adopt the EXO V2 module. Happy Scripting! 

The post Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell with MFA  appeared first on Office 365 Reports.

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