Brad Dickinson updates and a small gift

The content below is taken from the original ( updates and a small gift), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Hi, I’m Victor from We’ve added some new features to the tool, and I want to highlight them in this post quickly cause these things are great. There is a small gift at the end of this email that I hope will make you glad.

Interesting Fact: Based on answers in our questionnaire, helped 31,6% of users save from $100 to $1000 per year, and 21.1% responded from $1000 to $10 000 per year (wow!).

Alternative and Similar VMs

Using some light flavor of machine learning, we try to find the most similar VMs based on performance, CPUs, RAM, Numa nodes, etc. It works excellent for mid and large VMs, and optimization could be easily around 15-30%.

VM name explanation

Are you lost when you see a VM name like that Standard_E32-16ads_v5? We added a quick explainer. Just hover your mouse on the VM name, and you will see something like that:

Full VM overview

Want to see all information of a particular VM in our place, including specifications, pricing, alternative recommendations, etc. Here you go:

As I promised here is a small gift for lovely reddit community where we get a valuable feedbacks:


submitted by /u/Gaploid to r/AZURE
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