Brad Dickinson

7 musts for any successful BYOD program

The content below is taken from the original (7 musts for any successful BYOD program), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Today, employee mobility and office BYOD programs are critical for enterprise productivity. Mobile devices add new security challenges, bypassing many of the security controls you have in place. Mobile devices, mobile apps and the networks they use are now essential to satisfy customers, collaborate more effectively with suppliers, and keep employees productive anytime and anywhere.

Unfortunately, increased connectivity often translates to increased security threats. Gartner predicts that by 2018, 25 percent of corporate data traffic will flow directly from mobile devices to the cloud, bypassing traditional enterprise security controls. Hackers are constantly innovating to target your organization and mobile devices have become their path of least resistance. John Michelsen, chief product officer at Zimperium, shares seven musts for any BYOD program to successfully thwart mobile cyber attacks.

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